Need some prayers guys


Sorry to hear of Colleen's illness, my thoughts are with her and her family. Prayers are on the way.
My best to all of you, stay strong,
Jim S

I'm sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.

Take care,

Ed L.
I too lost my sister at 40 ,so there is time between the clouds when i think of her while out enjoying the day afield ,It is very hard when somone is always there for a tea or to rant to ,then they have gone on to a better place then here,i felt robbed and it wasnt fair why is a question i asked many a day ,she left behind a hubby and my nefew at 3 years old at the time,its been 4 years .time has flown by but i like you will rememeber the great days and smile from time to time when ya think of the pranks she pulled on ya when you were kids,gawd i feel for ya this has got me thinking now.I will send a prayer for your sister so the end is painless and the new begining in the hereafter is joyfull and happy and no burdens to carry..

They are on there way. May God be with your sister and your entire family. We all hope for her and you that she doesn't suffer.
Mark, my prayers are for Coleen, that the Holy Spirit will comfort her and you and the family. Knowing that she is going to Heaven eases the discomfort of her going. God bless you all.
As always, Hank, please know that we will pray for you and your family, especially in times of great need such as this.

Hank I am very sorry to here about your sister, my prayers go out to her, her family and your family. May God be with you all in this time of tribulation.
Jesus is there with us in our suffering. Even when we cannot feel his presence, he is there.
I will pray for comfort for your sister and her family.
Thank you for the specific prayer request. I will pray that Colleen's pain will be minimized and God will hold Colleen in his merciful arms during this most trying time. I will also pray that God gives his abundant grace to your brother-in-law and your nieces. May they look to Him for comfort and meaning during this time.

I will also petition our Lord to give you strength to support and encourage the entire family through your Christ-like spirit. May your arms and mouth be the arms and mouth of Christ as you embrace them and voice your, and Christ's, love and support with them.

Following are some words of encouragement from God's word to minister to you.

9But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8

In Christ,
Doc Hathcock told me what was going on when I was in his office on Monday.

Been keeping you in our thoughts and prayers ever since. If we can do anything to help out, let us know.