Need some prayers guys

Will keep the entire family in my prayers. I have too little ones and can image them growing up with no mother, and the extra pressure that puts on the whole family.
Well this time it is not Mary. My sister Colleen 40 years old has terminal bial duct cancer and has only a few days to weeks left to live. She has a husband and two little kids 2 and 5 years old. Colleen was diagnosed on Aug 21st one of the reasons that you guys have not seen or heard from me lately. Now the cancer has spread all over the place and she is at home on morphine and waiting. I spent some time with her today writing a ulogy (sp) for her funeral, one of the toughest things I have ever had to do.

The one thing that I need from my friends is some prayers that God is merciful and that she does not suffer much longer. It is not fair but life is not always fair. Thanks for the support again. Hank --- HHG

I am sorry to post this, but Colleen passed today. I know Hank is grateful for all the prayers.

In this time of sorrow, may we all hug our loved ones and pray again, that someday soon, they find a cure for this dreadful taker of our loved ones.

May God Bless Colleen's family. And may her children never forget the loving touch of their mother. Be at peace Colleen.
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She is home now. Be at peace. We will see our loved ones again, in a better time and in a better place.

Sorry Hank and Mary and young Hank. God bless.

Hank I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope someday we can find a cure for this terrible disease. May god bless you and your family. I will be saying special prayers for you and your family. May the memory of your sister Colleen be eternal.
My condolences Hank. Hold on to the good memories, there will be two children who some day will want to know their mother and what better way is to learn is from their uncle.
Hank - Being a cancer survivor myself, I understand the pain and hardship of this ugly disease. I pray God will touch Colleen and her family in a very special way. Below is a Scripture verse a friend shared with me during my cancer. Please share it with Colleen as an encouragement from the Lord. God bless! Pat

Deuteronomy 31:8 - The Lord himself goes before you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers guys. I really appreciate it. God Speed. Colleen is in a better place now. Our family will continue to remember her and keep the kids going now. HHG