Neo Waders...

Scott F,

sounds stupid I am sure, but if you don't have any Aqua Seal near you to fix the leaky seams, TOOL DIP will work. I have both the can and the spray version, works really well, messy, looks like crap, but in a pinch, it will work. I have used it a bunch on those stupid gloves that ALWAYS leak and an old pair of waders that I use for doing blinds/dock type work (where you know you will step on something ie nails/screws or jab something in your waders)

Just a thought. Oh, Peet boot driers are the best, have two, use them with a glove attachment as well for the neogloves. Also work to dry out the gun case....

I bought my last pair of neoprene gloves three years ago - never again. They never lasted more than one season, were cold, clammy and always stuck to any metal object when the temps got below 10 degrees.

I bought a pair of Atlas model 495 and just got done with my third season. Best gloves I have ever had for decoy work, running the motor in the cold, etc. I know three or four guys that have bought them and won't wear anything else any more. Pull the liners out and they will dry over night. Some guys are put off because they are blue but when I have warm, dry hands it doesn't bother me a bit.

Try them out.

I've got a peet boot dryer and it is one of the best purchases I have ever made. I love it, highly recommend it.
Damp waders is usually caused by sweating, not leaks. It is definately one of the big drawbacks of neoprenes. Especially if you hunt down south where it can be 40 at dawn & 65 by lunch time, and then 18 with a screaming north wind the next morning. Having that damp clammy feeling sucks, the boot dryer gets rid of it overnight.

I had a pair of neoprene gloves like 6 years ago...they sucked. Never made it past 6-8 hunts. I swore I would NEVER EVER buy neoprene gloves again....

I bought a blue pair of gloves almost like the ones you showed at Fleet Farm. Dang warm, but the liners are not removable, Use it for ALL the decoy work. I have had them for 3 years them. I think I bought them because of yours and others recommendation of them, was it Bill Wasson who mentioned them few years back, dunno, but damn nice to have a dry, warm pair to put on at the end of the hunt.

I did succumb....2 years ago, I was at the new Rocky store in GB and they had a huge blow out on neo gloves. I was suckered by the money back guarentee. I guess I must have missed the 30 day period with NO USE, must be unused to return....some help that was. Guess I am used to Cabellas....Anyhow, now that I gooped them all up with Tool Dip, they hold nicely, I mainly use them AFTER the decoy work while I am hunting, but I attempt to not dunk them.

Repeat after me, NEVER buy neo gloves matter the deal....
Hahaha, It's amazing sometimes what we will buy just to save a buck or two isn't it? One thing I love about the 495's is the removable liners. I like these gloves so well that I'm thinking of buying another pair "just in case" something ever happens to mine or they stop making them for some stupid reason.
No doubt Pete, if they work, they will stop making them!!

Tod O, are you thinking Tred Barta? damn, where are the smilies? hehehe
Knowing Tod, I'm sure he was trying to be cute in his subtle way. But he should eschew obfuscation say it like it is.

Since the big Tred Barta discussion and my recent cable subscription I've had a chance to watch a few of his shows and I have to say he's a trip. Just based on the shows, I like the guy. Anybody with passion about his sport has got to be fun to be with.
Like many of you I have been through the moist clothing after using neoprene waders. Did the aqua seal routine and still found my clothing moist after hunting. Switched to breathable waders from Cabela's, they are in the price range you indicated, and you can layer as the weather dictates. When very cold, they sound like paper being balled up, but no dampness when taking them off. Big plus, less bulk and weight. I am really happy with them. Just visited R.I. and did not see many birds working, a times warmer than it was back here in N.C. Again I highly recommend the breathable waders. Best wishes to all for the Holidays, R.Bell
Woudl it have been as funny as if I'd asked if he was sure he had not pissed himself?

Either way, with the temps we ahve been having I'd guess that it was persperation, no matter how little he sweats. My personal fav is when you take your waders off and there is ice built up on the inside of the neoprene, you know it is cold then!
Tod cracked me up..I got this pic in my head of Chris Farley, right after David Spade broke the 2x4 across his's not wet here..or down's right across here...
The clamminess is over the last 3 years. I had an old pair of Lacrosse waders that finally gave up the ghost after 12 years - and no Tod, I NEVER had sweaty jewels before.

Lord, forgive me for that last comment ; )

<Larry, the cable guy>
Nope Scott, never had to try the vacume. Found the thinner at Fat Nancys in Pulaski NY on a Salmon trip a few years back. My guess, it is probably over priced accetone or thinner, but I did not mind on that trip. Day one was wet under wear and some not too cold fishing. A Peet boot drier and some goo mixed together combining the AquaSeal and the thinner made for a fast and lasting repair in the dreaded crotch area where leaks are most unwelcome on the nice cold day that followed. And windy sea duck days I love so much. I would put the goo on both sides of the seam. 5200 would work too but I don't think it would be as flexable.
I might be wrong, but I just cant see Breathables being warm enough for a serious cold day on the coast. I have been following Scott Woods tips on cold dressing and have not had a bad day in years. Breathable non cotton layer against the skin. Silk next if wicked cold. Repeat, no Cotton. Wool or polar fleece next, with the wool being a true step above(Army surplus work fine). No sweat and no cold. I like the old style removable wool boot liner and a loose fit in the shoe to keep the feet circulating on the real bad days where sittin may have to happen. A Thermax inner sock under wool sock is the cats meoww for the toes. Worked outside for four winters straight in the NE before this job. No cold feet.
Does not look like this gear is going to get fully tested this year.