Never too young---

Al Hansen

Well-known member
to retrieve!
Hey, Dennis, your pup is ready to go into the blind for the last two weeks of the season!

Bella is 7 weeks old today!







The pup in my left arm went to her home today. Bella will leave on Monday with Dennis and the entire litter will be gone. Sad times ahead for the two of us.



Thanks for sharing. You can never have enough pictures of puppies. My daughter's birthday was yesterday and she is having a sleepover with 5 other 5th grade girls and the "AWWWWWWWW's" just got very loud and very high pitched when I showed them the pictures.

My best,

Al, That is why I could never breed dogs. We would want to keep all of them. Keep up the good work, you are starting them like they should be and sending them off to good homes I'm sure.
Those are great picture mate, that litter was a tribute to you and Bev and they are going to make their owners very proud of them, its hard to think that 10 months ago that Amber was like that. Thanks for posting the pictures.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
dam Al they are to cute and smart looking to boot, but the one pick with the wing in her mouth looks like oops ya caught me so i think there may be a little bit of devilish fun in that one...

I too got AWES!!!! from Makayla and the next words were "can we get one huh?huh? "

Thank you so much for including us from there arrival to there departure...

LOVE IT Al ......I dont know if those pups are birdy enough hehe
Thanks for sharing
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those are some real good looking pups Al makes me wish mine where pups again.. great there already so birdie at a such a young age.
They look like they have great potential. The lady is already talking about our 2nd dog!! I think this one might be "her" dog though, but we'll see what happens. :)
Boy, were you right, Matt. It is terribly quiet around here. Dennis and Donna just picked up Bella and now there are no pups in the kennel.

Bella decided to join Chili at the feeder. That little tyke is amazing.


She would not let go of her duck toy when Chance began to tug at it.


While we were waiting for Dennis and Donna to arrive, Bella fell fast asleep in Bev's arms.


Dennis and Donna with Bella.


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