New boat and morning hunt

Chris Keppler

New member
Got this boat a month or so ago. Its marked Oregon Osprey Feather made in Corvallis, Oregon. I have tried to find some info on it but haven't had much luck. It measures 13 feet and about 42'' wide, very stable and tracks well.The guy i got it from said he got it about 20 years ago.

Three of us got a few ducks this morning, should of had more but passed a number of less then perfect shots hoping for another shot that never happened. The geese are a limit of cacklers(1 each) and a lesser. Again should have killed more geese but after getting our three cacklers on the first flock all the taverners/lessers looked to similar to cacklers to take a risk shooting. Should have refreshed my id's on the smaller geese before the hunt.

Funniest part of the morning was the spaniel trying to retrieve a mortally wounded but live merganser. He has retrieved a couple before but this one weird-ed him out big time. He tried a dozen or more times to pick it up, even swimming circles around it but every time he put his mouth on it he spit it out looking very freaked out. Maybe it bit him or just smelled funny but ended up getting it with the boat.


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That looks to be a fine haul.
Sawbills can be sneaky and mean.

I mean, your dog will not fret about picking up a spoonbill,

but an angry croaker that likes to dive and bite your dog in the tailbones
or stab it in the eyes

that takes some practice.

Your dog managed well today, and that is a call for celebration.

So celebrate!


Death to sawbills.
I like that boat. Your dog brings back memories. My dad always had 3 springers in the house at one time. They were a handful but a lot of good hunters.
That's amusing, he picked up the stinky septic slurpers(oops, I mean spoonies) but had problems with the sawbill.
Too bad you guys weren't in the permit zone, the limit is 2 squeekers there.
Thanks for all the comments.

The spaniel is doing really well for a 2 year dog that has such a poor trainer. I tend to train in the field while we are working. He does everything i need from flushing rabbit and fowl for the hawks/guns to retrieving. He is also very steady in a small boat which is a must. We will have to work out the saw bill thing because I really love shooting them things so he will have plenty of opportunity to retrieve them.

There is probably a bit of bias with the duck arrangement but for some reason i would rather eat the just about anything over them teal. For some reason they are the worst eating duck i kill other than lawn darts. And i kill and eat alot of "s$%t ducks".

The boat is working out very well, i wanted to build a pole boat but i found this for a 300$. It is the same approximate size as a pole boat and is proving to be exactly what i was hoping for.
