New boat

Dave B

Active member
Thanks to member Bob Hayden for my new scull boat. I bought it from Bob off ebay and he was great to work with. Met me 3.5 hours from his house, spent over an hour instructing me and telling me about the boat. Also threw in a few extra little goodies. Great guy to buy from !

It is a WADE DELASHMUTT Model #1 TWO MAN fiberglass Humbolt Bay style sculling boat. Can't wait to get out there and use it. Thanks Bob.





Dave B
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Congrats on the new sculler. Very Cool. I second the opinion on Bob........great guy. I've not yet met him but we've jawed a bunch. Also turns out that we went to the same high school...Catholic Central in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Small world.
Thanks Lou,

Bob also told me that story as well. I forget the years but he said when he calls you he says "hey, central 57 calling for central 75. " He also recomend I buy your sculling tape so I need to get on that as well.

You're killing me :) I tried to buy a used one about 3 years ago off ebay. It was located in OR and I had a gentleman meeting me in ND to pick up a boat I had built for him. He said he'd be glad to pick it up and bring it along. I was all set to snake in at the last second and felt pretty confident about winning the auction. As luck (bad that is) would have it, our cable crapped out the evening that it was closing and wasn't fixed until a couple of days later :(

One day I will own one though! So I didn't realize Bob was a member here. Is he still producing boats, is there a website?

Seems to me that Bob graduated in '57 and I graduated in '65.....both of us from Catholic Central. Seems to me that the year I entered Catholic Central in '61 that Catholic split into East Catholic (where we were) and a West Catholic on the other side of the Grand River..........other side of the tracks ..... so to speak. ;)
Give me a holler when you want a video of the sculling......I have them in stock (VHS of yet, haven't had the time to do a DVD).

Thanks Lou,

Bob also told me that story as well. I forget the years but he said when he calls you he says "hey, central 57 calling for central 75. " He also recomend I buy your sculling tape so I need to get on that as well.

Dave congrats on the new float. I was going to bid but if I brought another scull home my girl would kill me! Bob is a great Guy and Lou's tap is very good.

good luck on yur new adventuer as a sculler.
It was neat to meet Dave and get him started as a Sculler. He's a super guy and a real hunter !!
I do have a few orginal #1 Delassmutt boats left and I also make the larger Hayden Scull Boat.
You can look at our incomplete Web site. Go to Hayden Boats .com
You can also call me at 1-260-824-5750 or E-mail me at
Have a fun season Dave !! Bob H
Seems to me that Bob graduated in '57 and I graduated in '65.....both of us from Catholic Central. Seems to me that the year I entered Catholic Central in '61 that Catholic split into East Catholic (where we were) and a West Catholic on the other side of the Grand River..........other side of the tracks ..... so to speak. ;)
Give me a holler when you want a video of the sculling......I have them in stock (VHS of yet, haven't had the time to do a DVD).

Thanks Lou,

Bob also told me that story as well. I forget the years but he said when he calls you he says "hey, central 57 calling for central 75. " He also recomend I buy your sculling tape so I need to get on that as well.

Wow, that means that you're even wiser than I thought. That presumes that age gives us more experiences and that adds to our ...Wisdom.

I read somewhere that wisdom comes with experience and arrives just after you NEEDED the wisdom. ;)
Later partner,

Lou !! Your being too kind !! I graduated in '47 not 57 !!!! Bob H
Mr. Hayden (respect for my elders) Makes some sweet decoys too. I met him at Paul Rutgers house a few years ago when Paul and crew were getting the Kzoo duck stuff together. Bob gave a seminar on his boat and I wanted one...same "boat" most are in...wife thinks I have too many. I would sure recommend them,and do,along with Lou's boats.