New gun selection

To further Travis' comments on the 3.5 inch shell. You can debate this ad nauseum...good luck convincing a waterfowl hunter that's been in the game for ten years or less that you don't need it but I agree....the advent of that, I really want to use a cuss word here....that monstrosity of a round has been one of the downfalls of modern waterfowl hunting in terms of ballistic knowledge and understanding as well as firearm design. Among other things. I'll take it a step further...I'll bet the percentage of wounded birds vs killed birds has gone through the roof since those damn things came out. I have friends that won't even shoot 3 inchers! They will run out of shells and I'll throw them a three shells and they'll say, "whatever man, I'm not shooting those". And here I am getting ready to order a case of 2.75 inchers.
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I agree 100% Jay. In fact I've gone a step further - I don't hunt waterfowl with a 12 ga. anymore. I had one of my best years - EVER - this year on ducks and even managed a couple of stone dead geese with 3" - 20ga steel. I also had one of the fewest cripple percentages I have ever had and that's with 8 species of divers and 7 species of puddlers. More guys should try putting their decoys close and waiting for the shot - it'll happen and you won't get nearly as many cripples.
Pete that's great....I use the 20 a lot and get lots of odd looks. The ones I use are 2.75 inch chambers and hard first 870 which I got for Christmas when I was 12 years old and the aforementioned 1100LW. The 3 inch 870 20 gauge has a kids stock on it so I can't easily use that. I'm definitely looking at a nice semi auto 3 inch 20 as a mainstay waterfowl piece. I use them more and more every year. Not sure what to get be honest a good old 1100 or an older refurbed 11-87 would suit me fine.
I used to shoot a short stocked Beretta 303 at the club when I was guiding chicken kickers and that was a neat gun....same thing as a Browning B-80 I believe.
To paraphrase a famous quote... the best long range waterfowl load is a kick ass dog. I still think you ought to be able to have some sort of a abilty test for your dog, and you ought to be given a % increase on your limit because of the astounding number of fewer lost birds with a trained retreiver... course I never figgered out why little ducks count the same as big ducks in your limit.. heck we ought to be given a poundage! ha. I also think speed limits should apply equally to me, as I am obvious a better than average driver proven by the fact I drive so fast, while doing so many other things, and still mange to get there. Modern vehicles in good working order, a clean driving record, and some type of a permit system, we could easily have speed limits set to the drivers abilty. heres to me being allowed to drive 95 mph and kill 11 teal legally! travis
You're right Travis, we should be able to do more stuff based on our ability - not the other guys though. Never heard the long range load explained like that but like it.
jay my favorite thing is when folks that have been hunting 10-15 years bitch about steel shot. having never shot a lead shell at a duck, they totally belive the rehortic that the word cripple was invented in 1988 when steel became law. Todays steel shot is so far superior to steel of the past, its not even the same product. And many of the non toxics are better than lead by all accounts. But thats one of the wonderful things about duck hunting, theres always SOMETHING to bitch about. Still wish they had banned the moto after 2 years... that could have kept us bitching well into 2030 about 'if we only had a moto duck'. I still think they ought to be legal only one outta 5 years, then they'd work again because the majority of the flight had never seen one. But I dont get to make waterfowl laws, people with no more science than me, and a lot less scruples generally do. Anyway, lead shot should go the way of lead gas, lead paint, and lead in everything that isnt made in china by 11 year old slaves... its a poison that should be gone from our outdoor hertiage. maybe I could go with keeping it in centerfire rifle rounds because of how few are actually shot, but besides that, nix the stuff. Then crappie fisherman would have a built in bitch for 25 years too!

If you think about the face of duck hunting today, its actually kinda funny/sad. People thinking the very people who came up with adaptive harvest management after 20 year study, and then tossed it out the window for 6/60 only 2 years later, lie to us about how many ducks there are to sell stamps and du gas grills if we have a poor season. I haven't seen one person this year get on the net and say the powers that be have been misleading us that they're are MORE ducks than we where told now that we're having a good season. I laugh when I hear people tell me things like the ducks are gonna leave... really, where they gonna go? The snow line was at sikeston mo the other day, and it was froze thru mid la, and the entire middle of the country is in the same drought we are. But people where convinced our ducks where gonna leave. 12 hours after it got above freezing, I had documented proof they didnt 'leave' in the form of several hundread at a time trying to interact with us for the next 6 hours. bwhahahaha. Musta been all those ducks du had short stopped over the last 5 years and fed corn in the midwest and kept from us!

Pete thats a nash buckingham quote. Not sure he said kick azz dog, but if he had hunted with me he would have. TJ had to walk about 300 yards for a sailer saturday, ice was too thick to risk hurting a dog till about 2 oclock, and when he got back he said when i get home Im gonna kiss spooky puppy on the mouth, and thank her for all those birds I didnt have to walk like that for. bwhahahahah. The good ole days are whenever you can go! travis
anybody shoot one of those dirt cheap stogers? 450 bucks for a good pointing (in the store at least) autoloader, even if I had to replace every 3 years itd work out better than a 1600 beneill (cost for season wise). travis

I bought a M2000 a few years ago when they were about $350. It points and swings really nice and shoots well. I have almost reached the minimum break-in number of 500 shots. Need to get it on the skeet range.

So far the M2000 has worked fairly well. It has the inherent issues with the rotating bolt not going fully into battery and needs the "Benelli push" a couple of times a hunt. The other issue is shell cycling. However after reading the owners manual a couple times it appears that if I always load the first shell in the chamber and let the bolt slam into battery, then load the two shells in the magazine it works really well. On my hunt in Nevada in November it worked flawlessly following this methodology.

The M2000 does not have the same level of Italian quality control when being machined and needs to be taken apart and fully inspected for burrs. Any burrs found need to be honed or sanded off. I found no machining issues with my gun, but that may be due to it being made when Benelli had company people in Turkey watching the process. Newer guns get a lot of complaints.

On one of the shotgun forums they have a M2000 section and on that I learned that there is a fit issue with the bolt handle and buying a spare is a good idea. They are hard to obtain from the company, but a company repairman stocks lots of spares. Same for any semi auto that has a bolt handle held in with an O-ring.

There also is an issue with a small screw that can back out that keeps the extractor in place in the receiver. This is fixed by backing the screw out part way and coating with nail polish to act as a thread lock.

The choke tubes that come with the M2000 are low quality steel and should not be used - they rust in quickly if not maintained daily. I use my Berreta Carlson's extended SS tubes and oil them after each hunt.

On my gun they missed some of the silver solder where the vent rib meets with hardened steel barrel lug. I have to oil this gap all the time or it shows rust on the barrel lug.

This spring I am going to paint it some camo colors to match my swamps. Should also help with that one rusty spot on the barrel.
Hey Travis,

Every tried writing for a living? You ought to. Your witisizems and down home logic are a wonderful departure from the drivel that we get to read in all the how-to mags.
I've seen the M200 do all the above for a guy I know. I wouldn't bet against that gun but I think Ray has it figured out. The Franchi I-12 is another gun from that stable that seems to be well made and cheap.

As far as painting a gun goes. I have lots of rust issues on the barrel of my Benelli. I tried to be nice...I tried to be a good gun boy but the SOB rusts. So, I'm thinking about having it dipped BUT I'd much rather paint it. So the question is, do I have it dipped so it looks nice and clean or do I paint it in a much better pattern of my conception. So, how does a guy go about painting an al-u-minium receiver? Do I just do the old fashioned rattle can touch up system that so many pump gun owners have gotten away with for years or do I do a better prep job and do it right?
Actually I always wanted to be a writer. In hi school i often wrote peoples paper for beer money. I had scholarship offers for anywhere i could think of, and even some places I had never heard of, but it seemed silly to go to school to become a writer, cause when i got out Id be 23 and a 23 year old doesnt have the perspective to write anything someone wants to read. I refused to write magazine articals because well, for the most part, they suck. Always said Id start writing but I said id start taking better care of myself too. You dont get this much grey hair and belly at 39 from doing either. Used to really like to write on the internet, because it gave me a place to write, and a reason, and immedate feedback. Lots of nights when I was up with kidney stone pain, stoned on percocets and full of tequila, id write for hours.... stories from my past, stories from recent hunts, glossarys and descritpive papers on dogs from a normal persons verbage, all that kinda stuff. never had any ideal it was a big deal, until i found out lots of people read it, and kept it, and passed it around. I used to do a daily story on here during my brother and mine week of vacation during the season (9 days of ducks). As time went on, my kidney disease got diagnoised (thanks doc mccloumn) ducks got poorer, and all of my time got spent on dog training and testing, I went to almost zero writing, just posts answering questions. I work a demanding schedaul, and train dogs from day lite savings time to daylite saving time (making my summer weeks about 80-85 hours of work), and spend a lot of time with my dog club, so things like the net kinda went away. Its slow at work the last few days, and the dog boards are stopped so Ive posted more in the last couple days than i have in probably 6 months on the net. Heck i even played solitare yesterday on this thing, and I aint done that in months. travis
every year we have a gun cleaning day. we strip every 870 down as far as it will go, hone and polish and sand everything we can. hose it off, and let it dry, and spray with bbq grill paint, and then some cool stripes on top of that. put it together oil it, and run 3 primer loads thru it. let the smoke clear, and run 3 more. Apprently, the memphis police dept does not like that kind of thing. Still wanna know which one my neighbors, know it wasnt any of the mexicans. They only sent one car, but they musta called for an officer with no sense of humor. btw, if your actually shooting primers while dog training and someone on the entrence ramp to i 40 calls that your shooting, they send 9 to 10 cars and pull guns on you. But thats another story. My point is, we just paint them every year. for the time to paint it 'right' you could repaint it every year and it always be in better shape than doing it right and it aging. Paint wears thru no matter how well applied. so krylon touch works for me. travis
Yeah but it's it's kinda different. I'm scared to desecrate such a fine Italian POS. But then again it looks like such crap now that maybe some flaking paint would simply further the legend of the Big City Benelli that looked all handsome and clean and then moved to the country and killed itself into a worn out mess.

And yeah the lead thing. I do miss those high antimony 5's and 6's in a 2.75 inch 12. That was a wicked duck load. But seriously, the new steel is light years ahead of any load lead or otherwise that was manufactured even ten years ago.

As far as writing goes...I write a weekly column for the local newspaper and occasionally get published in something else. It's very rewarding and once you get into the swing of things it's easy to just do it but it does take a lot of time and as far as money goes it's better than none at all I guess. I would recommend you do that...have your local newspaper publish you a couple times a month. I'm sure they'd go for it. You'd enjoy the hell out of it. I'm a member of the Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers (AGLOW) now even! It's offiical...I'm officially an outdoor writer. I even have a freakin' card dude!
There is a really good gun painting thread over on duck hunting chat.

The only secrete is to use a decent autobody primer base on an acetone grease stripped gun. The primer is the key to the whole paint system. Without it, you won't get a good paint bond, and in turn you won't protect the metal much.

To go above and beyond this method you are looking at Duracoat or sending it out for wet-film dipping or black ice teflon coating.

After looking at several "a few years old" factory dipped guns, I would spend the money on a chemical coating like black ice teflon or some kind of nitride chemcial coating. The wet-film dipps don't appear to hold up well over hard use. They do look really cool though.
I think Jay's right, you ought to do it. What the heck, it's something you like to do and you're good at. Never know where it might lead - maybe nowhere but at least you gave it a shot. I've always enjoyed your rambling style on here. Now that you mention it, I was thinking recently that we haven't had a good "week of duck season" story from you in many years.
Travis, Having been around when you were posting heavily, let me say I've missed those posts. I don't think I ever laughed so hard as when you wrote about driving through muddy fields, practicing mud propulsion - Mass (of mud) X Velocity flung out the back equals thrust.

Remember, the Earle Wigeon must die!

travis et al, I have shot 870 for years as well, layout hunting with one is really brutal on those POS, but damn, they really do a nice job in a pinch. Ah, the rust, well I would just take some steel wool and oil...Then on this page someone mentioned WD 40. I tried it, after every hunt I would hose it down, stand it up on the barrel and call it good. Strip it down every month and clean out the crude. 15 years like that. Then field hunting came along. Those damn overhead shots made cycling a bitch at times, especially when you are overhead and slightly behind you. I would screw that up so often. Then, as most guys find out, 870's start having issues cycling since the ejectors start to go south after cases and cases of shells. Well after watching all my buds shoot autos, I succumbed. Turns out my large frame pretty much only fits a beretta, I ended up with the extrema II, damn is that a sweet gun. points just like the ole 870 for me. No issues with overhead, no ejector issues. LOVE IT, will never have a pump again if I can help it. 2 out of 5 guys had SBE and they all had their guns for 5 years and suddenly ejectors became an issue. Sure Cycles were bought, over oil, under oil, dry, you name it, nothing seemed to help. Posts on this page and multiple others were made and searched, turns out MANY SBE guys complained of the same drill. Well 1 guy dumped his, he now shoots beretta as well. They just plain work. Pricey yah, but damn is sweet. For me, the SBE holds/points like a kids cork gun, the LOP is all wrong, just feels weird. If they were the bomb diggitty, I still would not shoot one only because of how it fits me personally.

As far as rem's deal, they are now dead to me because their fit/finish has been sliding for years and all the issues I have read about them. They can try all they want, but until they have YEARS of success with new autos I would not touch them. Tired of pumps, I have moved on.

One last thing Travis, back in the Percocet Stoner days that you mention, damn did you make me laugh. That was some of the best reading on the net. "Go take a poop" ...classic stuff. If you have the time/desire, please keep writing some more stuff, or hell, cross post the dog stuff, this site could use some more of that and there are tons of dog guys here too that would enjoy it.

I really dont take anytime for duck hunting anymore... I mean we hit it every weekend and every day Im off, its not that i dont do it all I can. But I dont burn any vacation for it. If its right, like a biblical thaw hunt, I might skip a day of work for it. But 9 days in a row, been years since Ive done that. We maybe hunt 23-25 days a year now, not like I used to get 45-50 days a season in. Once I got into training dogs so much, and running hunt tests, I spend all my vacation time on that. The Grand is our twice a year international event, and I spend both weeks of vacation running it. heck Im hosting the spring Grand this year, been working on it for 2.5 years. Yes I need to do something with my writing. At this point in my life, Im looking at anything to get out of the car business. I hate cars. Ive had several chances to go pro training dogs, but never could because of insurance concearns, and working for someone else is still working for someone else. With my wifes recent sucess in her career, we actually have good insurance thru her work for a change... but my credit is shot from medical bills and no way could we get out of our house to move out of the city to be able to keep enough dogs to make a living at it... so for the time being, Im still headed to dealership every day. Maybe I will sharpen a pencil after i get this Grand behind me.

This past weekend was biblical. We froze up the weekend before, a migration is a mirical when your on the reciving end, its a bitch if your on the loosing end. Sunday before we busted ice and set up to hunt, to watch 100k birds fly over our head headed south. They didnt go far, but they sure left. We where froze all week, and knew the thaw would be awesome. Weeks before my brother and I both had friends make plans to come up and hunt the 3 day weekend with us (I was off last friday). My 4 wheeler is torn up, where the axle goes into the differintal blew up... so i had plans to get a buddies rhino to bust ice. He hunts with us, and the plans got even better when he was going to go over early friday and bust ice for me, so I could hunt when I got there at noon. welp, he got sick, so i had to go to his doctors office to get his trailer and rhino. Managed to damn near knock myself out digging thru decoy bags for speck heads, as they where frozen and I was pulling them up off the ground. One of them had a 5 foot metal bar laying in/beside it. It came up and hit my jam, about 1.5 inch below my eye. I couldnt see from the impact, and it took me 5 minutes to walk inside... by that time I was covered in blood. washed my face, found out my eye was ok, eye socket ok, jaw most likely not broken, time to stop the bleeding... my bud happened to be a doctor so i got him to come in and see if I had to have stiches... you need stiches. hell man, i know that. Do i have to have stiches or can you stop the bleeding? I got a first aid kit, you got a doctorate, let me see what ya got. Anyway, 10 minutes later i had some rigged up sutures and we're headed to arkansas. 3 hours of breaking ice, lots of ducks flying overhead. get in the pit, and within 5 minutes 5 mallards are out front, flying 10 foot over the snow and ice cover turn row. With that white background, they just looked, well, wonderful. I watched them fight the south wind for what seemed like 5 minutes. Only 1 greenhead in the bunch seemed werid, and honestly I let them get past us before I said shoot... that stark contrast of bird with week old refroze snow behind it just did me in. So I raise up and kill the greenhead, hes on my side. my partners kill another duck... which they claimed was a greenhead too. No, I killed the greenhead. No we did. So my young dr friend has retreiver duty being as he works out and I havent been to the gym since I was 0, and sure enough 2 greenheads. But there was only one in the flight, and we watched these ducks for several minutes. Mine had a greenhead but a hen body... a he she duck. Great trophy almost as good as the shiner I had when I took my face mask off! we never killed another duck. Thats how it bes, but we had to get the ice open, so we could hunt sat. friday night I cooked mallard fillets soaked in grape jelly and worshisire sauce, widgeon and pintail fillets in itlian dressing and tjs very first speck he killed for the crew. cajun shrimp, a sausage plate, salad and wild rice where also present. a bunch of hungry hunters, a bunch of silly kids, and a bunch of candian whiskey the kind of company I prefer to keep these days. Sat, it was on from jump street. Scattered birds early, but by 9 the pintails where back. A west wind is a pintal wind at our pit, and the wind shifted sw same time the pins flew. 500 at a time they came by and worked... it was awesome. Many times we had 50-60 pins in range at one time, and they suffered heavy casulties. Before I got hungry good we had 9 big bulls on the strap shooting only nice bulls with nice sprigs. So nice of the feds to realize 2 a day pin limits only make sense... you cant kill them every day but when you can kill them you can kill a bunch, the added pins made for a really nice bunch of duck meat. Killed a double on sprigs, only the 2nd or 3rd time Ive ever done that. But it wasnt as memorable as watching them fly, literally bumping into each other clumsily to end their graceful plumment. By the time I brought lunch out, the wind shifted due south and the mallards rode it back. Not everyone is blessed with the kind of hunting where they can choose to only shoot drakes. Not everyone is blessed with hunting where you can choose to only shoot big drake (magnum greenheads I call em). And certainly most people have never been blessed with so many ducks working at one time you decide to not shoot and watch the show. At least 5x we didnt shoot.. it was too much of a show. The first time i wont say it was a choice, because I was honestly out of breath from watching the sight of it all. I swear the sun is brighter on a south wind when its melting ice. In days of old, it was common to not shoot because the birds where so thick... maybe not common but it happened. its been 8 or 9 years since Ive done it. So the first bunch I wont say was a choice. I'll just say I didnt have any motivation to end what I was watching. Id describe it, but it wont do it justice, so i'll just say its the feeling you get when you first hold your child, when you relize you love a woman, or your dad tells you your a man. its happiness and wonder, but at the same time a feeling of how did I get so lucky to be here. It was the first time tj had been in that situation, and being 13 and blood thristy as he should be, I really expected some flack from him. He didnt. He realized how cool we thought it was, wheter he did or not. The next times we chose not to shoot, to just watch. And the duck Gods having already smiled on us, as often as not when we didn't shoot into the bunches of 500 mallards at a time, 90 seconds after they left a big group would peel off and come right back at us to show us they couldnt be talked out of leaving. The ducks fell, and fell and fell. At the end of the day, our desescion not to shoot into the big groups resulted in us finished up a few shy of a 7 man limit. Nobody cared there werent a couple more ducks in that pile.... it was a big enough pile for anyone. The one you got away is the fishing story... the ones you let get by is a hunting story. sunday was a good day. it would have been a great day any other time, but anything after saturday was bound to be anti climatic. I hate it for sunday, I mean it didnt do anything wrong. And years later, we'll just remember saturday... and maybe my he she duck.. and maybe my black eye.... and the sausage. travis
I have stayed away from Remington the last few years. Simply put, they have let the bottom line make their quality decisions.
I would look for a used Browning BPS and be done with it.
I picked one up for $369 and it's like new.
Have you tried a Double Barrel yet...No non-sense guns when it comes to failures except if you don't keep the trigger mechanism properly lubed...Also by switching you start to slow down as a shooter and actually start shooting birds instead of wasting shells...I switched in 2000 and it increased my shot kill ratio dramatically...Feeling more confident now that I know the technique and shot string of my autos...I would recommend a Stoger to start out with...A buddy of mine down south switched to one this year...They run about $300 or a combo which comes with 20 and 12 runs about $500...It is a simple gun with a stiff break action at first but with normal use it starts to work smoothly...

The one thing about the O/U that can be argued by all is that some people like that third shell but very few have consistent three shot kills on birds unless they are in your face...In shooting a O/U your shooting will improve as a shooter...

Also I do not know your stature but I am shorter man with 5'7" frame...I have a youth 20 gauge model 11-87 sportsman that I have duck hunted with for roughly 5 years...I used this gun most of the Teal and Duck Season in Louisiana with great success...It is light weight and very little recoil...Of course I also shoot steel 4s and 6s through a skeet choke and keep my shots to 30 yards or less...In flooded timber down south that was not very hard to do...To be honest this is my gun of choice today...It is light and can be handled throughout the day with a sling without any arm fatigue...

I shoot a 300 Ideal o/u that I purchased during my employment at Remington Arms...I also recommend this gun if you can find one on the market...Possibly the Cabelas Gun Library for around $500...

On your gun:

I would bet to say that the mechanism within your gun that failed was the shell linkage located around the position where you load your gun...Pretty common occurance on most guns that get fired alot especially due to higher powder loads and more efficient shells being shot today...It is a pretty simple fix if you want to keep the gun...You have to think that loading and ejecting past a piece of steel that is to react like spring steel over time can build tiny fractures that tend to shear...No counting hot and cold extremes of dove hunting through duck season...No auto is immune to this failure...

As for the barrel breaking I have no idea...You must be hard on guns... :)

