New pet peeve

This thread has sure made a turn........... Cookie Alger

Cookie was a female collie, my sister named her. Guess I better get a wig.
Boomer 107 Female Lab spaded Must have turned lesbian. Named Boomer because she kept coming back. Thats a long story. Some other time.
Hope ya'll are having a good season! Been awhile since I checked up on here and this is the thread I read??

Anyways...."Bullet Powhatan" ;)
Well, that would make me "Spaz Parks"

Greg, that sliverwood and splinterwood comments damn near made me spit coke on the screen. Thanks for the laugh...

My new name would be "Buck Cherrywood"

Dani, do you really want a group of these guys guessing why your cat is named Balls?
LOL, thanks Dave, tights…sheeesh….That was one hell of a day (trip) and it has a fine place in my memories. We’ll have to do it again and I’ll bring the Chicken Hawk along to help you out with those ditch chickens that keep running on ya~
Didnt grow up on a street...just a narrow country holler road...So can I still play?

I would be known only as Gretchen.....visions of a sultry european babe......
Mike, there was a girl in my high school named Gretchen. She was in gymnastics and was always a good sport about the back seat or going behind the bleachers. We called her:

STRETCHEN GRETCHEN...and she knew it. So, I think you can borrow that name. I don't have a problem with it personally.
You must be the sensative type if you can remember their names after all these years. I couldnt remember the names then, let alone now. But God bless them, each and everyone! travis
With a moniker like that how could you forget. She was famous for one particular incident. A friend of mine had a vintage Cutlass...must've been a 69 or 70(if there is such a thing). Vintage all cept the Cragars, Eagle ST's and the badass Pioneer deck. She caved the Pioneer into the dash and knocked the rear view mirror off in two barefooted kicks. Serious power and stretch! Okay, back to our regularly scheduled family programming.

You started it....GOOSEBRUCE!
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Dani explained to me this post while waiting on the next flock of Bills to light the decoys yesterday.

So here it is.

Pretzel Kent