New Sneakbox

All grassed in...


Duck hunting is supposed to be difficult, wet, and painfully cold. You look way tooooo comfortable to be really enjoying the greatest sport around, LOL! That's a set up that could cause a fella to fall asleep. I'd be a very happy hunter in a rig like that, nice job.

Take 'em,

I did not build it myself, a sailmaker in Tuckerton, NJ made it for me. It is a 'box' canvas where you have a square made of copper or in my case stainless tubing that is slightly larger than the opening in your boat. Canvas or cordura is made like a shower curtain around it and attaches to the deck of the boat with snaps. I have two sticks made of 1" square oak that hold one end of the canvas up so I can reverse it if I am running, (bow side up) or hunting (stern side up). It also has a carriage top attachment that attaches with snaps and another stainless tube that can rotate to cover my head. There are other ways of attaching it to the deck.

Here is a picture of another sneakbox with a canvas made by the same guy as mine, in this shot the tubing is attached to the deck of the boat for the carriage top and if you want to talk about creature comfort, the dog box has a matching canvas!


It is easy to fall asleep under one of these ha ha.
You got it. Sat in the Thirsty Mallard since June of 2000. The restaurant was sold and the boat was put up for sale. There were a few beer bottle caps under the floorboards but I'll take it since it is hard enough to find a boat that is stored inside, let alone inside a climate controlled restaurant.