No Divers yet, so,,,

fred slyfield

Well-known member
Went out for an afternoon hunt with a buddy and had a decent number of mallards work us so we ended up with 14,and all green for the hunt.

I took several birds with my new to me Fox side by side that an old friend gave me last summer, it's choked mod-full and it shoots very tight with Remington #4 nitro steel, I think I'm going to take it to a gun smith and have the chokes opened up a bit.

Sorry for the bad picture , only had the phone!!


Turned cold and dry here yesterday. The divers are arriving. 12 bills and 4 cans yesterday. Nice job on the other green heads.
Dang, you guys are making me antsy with all these great pics.
Only one more week, only one more week, Only one more week, only one more week, Only one more week, only one more week, Only one more week, only one more week, Only one more week, only one more week, Only one more week, only one more week, Only one more week, only one more week,.....