North Dakota Duck Hunt

rich scheffer

Well-known member
My son and I flew up to North Dakota Saturday (thanks to Allegiant Airlines) and hunted three and a half days. We did two and a half out of my boat, really smacked some divers on Goose Lake! Bluebills, Redheads, Buffleheads, and Canvasbacks.

Our banner day was Monday, Oct. 31 hunting a freshly cut corn field south of our place. Three of us, Capt. Doug Heaton, myself and my son Rich Jr. all shot limits of Mallards, a few Pintails, and a couple of geese each. The real star of the day was Capt. Doug's little girl Kahleigh (LPK's Costa Rica Kehleigh MH). Her tireless energy to retrieve our birds is inspiring. The scenery is the next best inspiration, lastly, all the birds! We have hunted this general area for over 10 years and Monday was among our best hunts!

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Thanks for letting us know where the birds are. Looks like a good time.
Hey Rich,
Capt. Andy here from Jupiter. Looks like you guys had a great time. Fred sent me the pictures too. Looking forward to the coming season here in FL.
I just cant get my wife to see why I need to move the family up there. I cant understand why she is not so excited about the scenery and the unlimited chances for great hunting(Deer and Duck). I even agreed to find work for the time the seasons are closed to help her support the family!

Great shots and a Great Hunt.

Great hunt, Rich. Good to see that the two of you could make another hunt together. You two did something that most of us only dream about. Congratulations. Great pics. I really enjoyed them. Brought back some wonderful memories of my growing up in western Minnesota.
Robert, Speaking of brown dogs, my Kelly is about two weeks from dropping her pups. We will have her x rayed next week and count the little spines. She is big as a house! Allegiant airlines is a one flight deal from florida to fargo ND, quite a bit more affordable than the three flight, all day delta mess. We are usually on the ground in ND at 9:30 AM or so. We stop for a bite, shop at Sheels, then drive up to the farm. This allows us time for an afternoon hunt the same day we travel. Only drawback is they dont ship dogs. Usually we drive up in early oct, wife, dogs, truck or trailer load of stuff, etc. I hunt then fly back and work, fly up and hunt some more, then drive back at the end of oct. this year things are a little shaky. A couple of three and a half day hunts are all this economy will allow. Good to hear from you. Rich.
Shot these divers and a couple of gadwals on my first trip in early October. Took awhile to get these ducks.

On my second trip last week there were wads of divers roaring overhead - they sounded like groups of jet fighters with their afterburners on! That actually gives me goosebumps! In the excitement I forgot to take pictures of the second diver hunt. The way they were pouring in last Tuesday I can only imagine how many divers are on the lake now. It's still mild up there, and the real migration is probably yet to come. Maybe someday I'll be a resident and get to hunt more than two weeks.


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