Odcca Show

I am going to the show and going to have a good time seeing old friends and pick up some supplies. R.M.A
Right Mental Attitude. It goes a long way.
Thanks Bomber. I still have a Goldeneye decoy of yours that I purchased at the St Clair flats decoy show.
Take Care.

P M A positive mental attitude is what we ALL need. I don't think the people who started the shows had anything but!
Hope to meet you there.
I will not make this years show. It's nothing to do with any contest or how the show has changed. I just can't make it this year. I love this show and it's not because of the contests or winning ribbons, it's the people and friendships that I have formed over the years. As for the shows I hope they get back together. As far as the pool contest make your best decoy and put it in. Someone told me long ago that the only thing that is guaranteed is change.
Ken tell everyone that I will see them at next years show.
My understanding of one of the crapola you sight is you wanted free space in the ballroom to demonstrate carving-grinding decoys. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Other demonstrators like Willy have paid for space and demonstrate.
Should we give you space free next to Tim's taxidermy who buys two tables and donates beer to the clubs events? What if Tim feels you are creating dust landing on his mounts?
It is not always easy to be fair to all.
Don't get me wrong we appreciate all the entries you guys do. We appreciate your willingness to show how to make a decoy, but we must be as fair as we can be.
Again I speak for myself not the club and these are my observations which could be incorrect since I never had a conversation with you about your grievances, but to bash the show and make general comments like "red headed etc" is wrong.

Pete you will be missed

I like old decoys, old fly rods, old boats, old shotguns, old music, old art, old books & magazines, old fishing lures, old wood working tools, old decoy shows, and old friends.

My mind is not going to change anytime soon, if at all... [;)]

Bomber said:
This is straight off the web site

New Wildfowler Contest Time and Day: 9 p.m., Saturday night, March 14, 2020, pool area.

Here is the link: https://www.odcca.net/...ontests-changes.html

Nothing say we don't give to sh*#^ about something like scheduling it for 9 at night. Really family friendly. NOT!!!!!

A good thing about it is I could hit the road Sunday and not miss work on Monday.

I remember the first swim in sell in there at night, it was dark as heck. Appears too dark even during the contest in the day time, but I was told it really look right for the judges with the windows behind them. But you certainly won't have that little bit of light at night.
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P. Revicki said:
I will not make this years show. It's nothing to do with any contest or how the show has changed. I just can't make it this year. I love this show and it's not because of the contests or winning ribbons, it's the people and friendships that I have formed over the years. As for the shows I hope they get back together. As far as the pool contest make your best decoy and put it in. Someone told me long ago that the only thing that is guaranteed is change.
Ken tell everyone that I will see them at next years show.

Being around folks like Pete is the best part of these shows. Hope to catch up with ya soon.
Ken, we gave our time to do those demonstrations, AND NEVER sold anything. However, we DID provide a lot of folks with a ton of information. We were given space in the ballroom, which we treated respectfully. I may point out also , that our being in there drew folks who certainly took advantage of the sales booths.
I believe that Tyler approached someone on the committee regarding even paying for a space, and WE WERE TURNED DOWN! Btw We covered the floor, and most of us had or shared our in-laps.. Truthfully, none of us would wish to work near mounts or anything delicate. Try to envision the space we were given in the ballroom once.
No problem, we just will not be there to demonstrate. Hopefully, when some of the real crapola ceases.
Meanwhile, keep your sunny side up.[;)]
Hope you all find some sort of solution to the light, or lack of same. Take note, the guys who made decoys for the pool kind of felt a disconnect from the rest of the show.. Think about the space, then think back to Westlake's space.

You all need a break, as do we.[angelic]
A footnote--this is starting to bring back memories of 120SB. Think about the camel and the tent! I know, we would rather forget about that. After all, the camel did bring about wondrous things! Yeah, right! And the tree is dying. That is the sad part of this whole thing.[:/]
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Ken, I trust that you understand that this missal is casting no aspersions your way. My reference to the camel is purely symbolic, and it came about when the board was contacted by iwca back during the Westlake times. I had some rather animated discussions with folks back then, and now the whole discourse has come to fruition. I guess it is about having a rather large carrot dangled in front of folks, with grandiose promises. Well, if turning a decoy competition into what it has become, then so be it. Hope the tree can survive without the roots. If you never read The Emperor's New Clothes, pick it up some time.
God Bless
I would like to hear your feelings on how the IWCA has affected competitions. I'm out of the loop on the IWCA.
Also do you think if a pool contest limited the number of colors one could use on a decoy say Diver three and puddle four or five with no mixing or blending
would help to bring a true hunting decoy?
Ken I have seen a number of shows where the camel came into the tent and the whole thing folded. If you all are interested in the d?cor part, then so be it, but remember that the tree WILL wither. At least H de G had the common sense to keep the camel out!. Personally, I really enjoyed looking at the different interpretations of a species, not attempts at creating taxidermy that outshines the suck. :eek:oking at iwca stuff, to me, is like looking at plastic decoys. Just my cantankerous opinion. Apparently, I am not soloing on this.
Y'all have fun. Hey, how is it that you are still involved when you no longer live in the state?
Just an FYI, the person in question nicked, but DID NOT sever. Tim, good yeoman service.

Lord knows, if we all had quit after a cut, no one would be making squat.

Yep, met lots of folks, shared stories, had fun, BUT, once things began to go awry, it wasn't fun any more Too much drama!!!. Hell, why don't you all do the comp with minimum light, so as to simulate that half hour before sunrise?
I will only respond if I get a response. meanwhile, try not to forget the difference between decoy and d?cor!
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Ken, one last inquiry; Have you ever made your own rig of stuff to hunt over?
I guess a comment I made years ago to a couple who worked together to carve and paint sums my thoughts on iwca. Yeah, that may have won, but the only other time it will see water is if the roof leaks on your coffee table. I don't understand why they were po'ed.

I don't wanna talk out of turn... but.

Ken made lots of duck, goose, and Swan decoys to hunt over, and then entered in the POOL.

Way Back When.

Rigs, and singles, and he DID GOOD.

I have the photos.

He and I were among the first of the Canvas Covered Gunning Decoy guys, and boy did he, and I pay our dues.

Plus he was always there to help out, when Cliff and Audrey needed help.

In all the years that he and I have been friends. I do not believe I have ever heard him say the word NO, for a request.

He IS one of the original pool entry guys, that tossed what they made into to POOL.

Win, loose, or get DQ's Never Bitched.

Yes, he and I have our differences, but he has my back and I have his.

Ya know....like you and I.[;)]

Yep hunted over my decoys at West Branch with Ky and I'm getting old The marsh on Lake Erie near Marblehead?
I'm actually on the board attend the show and use phone etc.
Vince answered the question. Just curious as to how you can still be on the board when no longer a resident. I recall being told non residents could Not hold any positions, but perhaps that has changed.
Hope this tempest subsides.