OK computer genius's

Lee - Just got a new HP box with Microsoft Vista. A friend of ours is a Radiologist and reads x-rays at home. He has to have top service and virus protection. He recommended Norton 360. We bought it and it's the bomb! It is an easy "dashboard" software that takes care of everything. Not only antivirus, but computer fixes, data back up and security. It's reasonable in cost and we love it. And, you can load up to 3 copies with the site license you purchase. Pat
Lee - You're going to hate me, I work in computers, used to do health insurance and work for an insurance company...

But, I am a duck hunter! pg
One more thing on Norton 360. It interfaces with your external hardrive if you have one. We bought a Seagate Free Agent to back up our photos and important documents. If you have anything on your computer you can't afford to lose, get an external hardrive. When I loaded our Norton 360, it immediately recognized our external hardrive. You have to tell it what files to automatically back up, then that's it. There is a spot on the Norton 360 Dashboard that tells you what and when your files are backed up.

If you've never had a hardrive crash, you're lucky. Chances are, you lose all your files, pictures and documents. Then, you have to reload your entire system. Lastly, if you are using Vista, you'll want to make sure you make copies of your operating system. Windows 98 and XP used to give you CD's for this. Vista does not. Copying it to 2 DVD's should cover it.

Cost of Norton 360 is about $65.00. Cost of an external hardrive is about $80-$100 depending on the size you get. Our Seagate Free Agent ran $80 bucks...

I love technology when it works... Pat

ps... And, no, I don't work for Norton, Seagate, Best Buy or Circuit City... ;)
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Lee - You're going to hate me, I work in computers, used to do health insurance and work for an insurance company...

But, I am a duck hunter! pg

Sounds familiar. I work in computers, used to be insurance, now I work for a bank...

Geez, starting to sound like AA. I'll stop now.
LOL. Me too.

Hi, my name is Charlie, I work in the software industry and have worked for at least three insurance companies over the years.

Altogether: "Hi, Charlie..."
Don't worry Lee We don't all work in computers, just with 'em. I don't know damn all about business aplications but at home, vista in any form sucks but I'm stuck with it.