One of those ethical questions

Mark W

Well-known member
I was out hunting yesterday (still slow around here as there has been very little weather unlike you guys on the East Coast) and when I went to retrieve a downed duck, I scared a coot from it's hiding place. First off, I have never ever seen a coot in the 15 years I have been hunting this one area so I thought this a bit strange. I also found it a bit strange that the coot never tried to fly away.

As the morning passed, I saw the coot a few more times. Since I couldn't get close enough to see what was wrong, I took out the binoc's and saw that the bird was quite injured. Since I have no desire to eat any coot (even though many say they are good) I was left with an ethical question. Do you shoot the coot and leave it in the swamp on land where some other animal will eat it, or do you leave it be until it freezes to death?

Shooting it and bringing it home to eat was not an option so what would you do?

Mark W
I know what I would do. I also know that this or any other ethical/moral question is difficult to discuss in a large group setting. Especially one as large as the internet.

If I encounter such a scenario (and I have very similar) I'll follow the course of action that allows me to sleep at night.
I would have left the coot and let nature run its course vs shooting. If you want some coots, we can send you thousands from Alabama!!!
Thats easy, shoot it, clean it & eat it. Coot taste just as good as most ducks!
Carl hit the nail on the head! Shoot it clean it and eat it! Coots are vegetarians that are very good eating try it some time. I brought home 10 this weekend they are marinating in pineapple as I type.
If you shoot the cripple you did not make a cripple and you do not retrieve it as part of your bag limit, this would not be ethical and may be a law violation. Some years ago there was ice on the river I live next to. Someone further up river saw a deer that was caught in an ice flow. He did not want to see the deer suffer a slow death and he thought the best thing was to shot it and end it's suffering. The guy was charged with shooting deer out of season. You have to understand the bird would have suffered the same fate if you did not see it. I am sure there are animal that would like to have it for a meal.

In Minnesota there is a daily limit for coot of 15. If you shoot the coot and leave it you run the risk of getting a ticket for wanton waste. If it's not appetizing let nature take it's course.
just yesterday we had a similar thing happen ,someone had shot a commorant and it couldnt fly ,the wing was sticking up busted for sure ,and it swam into the dekes so i decided to let the dawg bring it in ,well what a mistake that was id thought i lost my dawg she prety near swam after it outa sight,before she had enough and turned around,,very bad mistake for me i should of shot it and be done with it ,but i would be breaking the law as there is no season for them.I figured it would die being retrived wrong... it almost cost me my Daisy,,,But i gotta say tho she didnt listen to me "bad " for that not to come back, but my god she had the drive to swim after that darn bird ,it just kept out of reach sometimes right at the end of her nose ,it was to tantilizing for her nose to give up and turn around...

Ive watched her in the bay of fundy chase a cripple diving black duck almost as far and then a seal stole it on her boy she had the pissed off look when she arrived on shore that day,,,,,

I would have shot the coot and tried it for table fair if i didnt like daisy would eat it im sure ,as i shared our mergansers with her tonite...Makayla loved it as well...
Shermie got your message so I thought I would share with all my coot recipe. Actually this works for goose and all ducks. I do vary a little from the recipe in that I brine for a couple days before marinating thats your choice.

The ultimate coot recipe: 4 or 5 coot breasts no skin. Lay flat and slice across the grain approx 1/4 inch thick. Marinate in 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 can beer, minced onion and garlic, 1/2 cup molasses 1/2 cup brown sugar and pepper (check for salt - may not need with soy sauce - your choice) Marinate overnite. Rinse. I use a large cast iron skillet - any large frying pan will do. Heat pan very hot (smokin) add olive or other favorite oil and start to lay sliced coot into pan. After pan is full 1 layer deep add handful of diced onion and 2 - 3 LARGE HEAPING tablespoons of ORANGE MARMALADE to pan. Wait a few seconds and start turning the slices over. The key is to quick fry slices and seal in the juices. Quick fry for 2 -3 minutes on each side until the red juice just stops running out of the slices. Cooked slices should be a little pink in the center. Remove from pan and put on platter and cover with foil for about 3 or 4 minutes to steam. Optional: Throw a handful of chopped green onions on slices before covering with foil. Tastes better than the best steak! Don't overcook!!
