One proud Papa!!

mike braden

Well-known member
Had a great time in Tuckerton over the weekend. Our father/son Pond Box restoration project won Kyle a third place ribbon. He was very excited and can now officially hunt it!!!


Kyle also did the handling duties and entered my 8 1/2 year old lab into the dock dogs jumping contest. He won 1st place in his division on Saturday and 2nd place overall in his division for the finals on Sunday. He handled himself like a pro up on the stage. Way to go Jack and Kyle!!!



Kyle also won $75 in prize money for the jumping competition. 3 ribbons and $75 is a great weekend for a 9 year old boy.


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Mike- That is awesome. Congrats to Kyle. The pond box is definitely on the list of projects to do with my son.

Well done Kyle, sounds like your a true sporting gent already. Don't forget to let your dad use it, once in a while, if he is good enough. ;-) well done again.
Thanks for the well wishes. I swear I've had a tear in the corner of my eye all day.

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The smiles on both your faces reveal a Father's love for his son and a son's love for his father. Enjoy those days and make the most of your time! Congrats to all!
Congratulations, Kyle. I would say that a check for $75.00 and 3 ribbons is an outstanding feat! Now I'll bet that the next thing we'll see is Kyle with a strap full of ducks. Keep it up young man!
Congrats Mike! Kyle seemed to have a great time at the show. He was like the pied piper, leading the other kids around and showing them all the cool stuff to see.
I think that he is going to intern with Germain next year haha. He loves the show more than me. Even went up to Vince Giannetto while he was walking around and said "Hi, remember me?" Vince took a minute but did finally remember. He only sees him a few times a years but with a personality like Kyle's it will be hard to forget him. Guess that he is always use to seeing me and Kyle together.
What a day for Kyle. I bet he can't wait for next year to do it all over gain. The pondbox looks super. Kyle should get many years of enjoyment from it and will always remember that he and dad did it together. Nice work.

Kyle's hunting rig will soon be bigger than mine.

Eric you know first hand as well that it's great when our children enjoy our hobbies as much as we do. It makes it a lot easier. Kyle certainly has the bug and I don't see it going away anytime soon.
way to go guys awesome job on the box and the show ,gotta love ribbons,,,,
it all starts somewhere
so let it be in a backwoods waterhole
with a sunrise and a cup of joe
with whistling wings ,and raspy quacks
to a fetch em up and smiles all the way around
there`s nothing like passing it on
to your kids......

ps. all the best this season