Only time makes one look toward traditions oncemore,

Warren A

New member
Hi all,

Some of you may remember me as wabo from a Long time back. Well I got alittle too wrapped up into my other interest over the last few years. The otherday I felt something missing as I was punching numbers into the computer at work.

Took me abit but I found myself looking at Eric's page once more, I yearned for the feeling of riding in a boat made of wood and of watching quality blocks bob up and down.

I have long since sold the boat I built awhile back. So I have decided it's time to build a new one Big enough for the Mighty Mo. river so I can share the same feelings with my kids.

I once again found I missed seeing the friends from both here and on Mark Rongers MLB page. Well here I am and it is Good to see some familiar names still around.

That Very day I went right home and began digging out old decoys, mainly foamers began repainting them with my kids asking many questions at the same time. I missed the feelings of Old traditions like those and intend to replace all the plastics and to stop rushing around trying to find the birds at all cost.

It's time to sit back alittle and enjoy. While sharing things like the fires warmth and watching the flickering light as it grows in the stove at duckcamp,after a cold Long day watching and listening to whistling wings.

I feel I finally came full circle and once again find myself in the place it all started, the place where I began to value the tradions of duckhunting and of fine craftsmanship.

Look forward to visiting with you all again, Hey Lee Harker put the cheetos away already,, I'm finally done typing for now.. Thanks for keeping the place going guys Especially you Eric its good to see Everyone still here!
What a great post.... I have a son who is just getting old enough to duck hunt and I'm feeling the same way....maybe it is "worth" going if the ducks aren't "down". Shooting a couple of wood ducks is still a good day.
Eric P,


My friend, It has been far TOO LONG.. ALL my fault too.. I plan to be sticking around and you may have a tough time getting rid of me.. LOL.. Still had this place memorized after all this time..

Hope to be picking your brain if it's ok when I start building the new boat sometime soon.

I see the guys still around too, Sutton, Ira, DaveP from RR and Mr. Larson with his calls, Pete S. and many names are still familiar. Now there is a Tradition in itself you guys have kept this place ALIVE, Thanks guys!!! Look forward to swapping sories and ideas again with All of you and the rest whom I don't know yet...
Welcome back wabo! Long time no see. I'll be curious to see what boat you decide to tackle for the Missouri. It's a nasty river around here, that's for sure.

Good to see your name posted up again! Sounds like you're looking forward to the fall. Is that little one still tagging along to the goose fields?
Thanks guys!


That little pardner of mine has seen an absolute pile of ducks and geese fall but and this is a mighty big but...

She has never been in a wood boat or on an allnight excursion to a duckcamp or seen what Good blocks for decoys look like. I've always been in too big of a hurry to get her back home and now she is old enough to learn and share some new experiences like the river and a warm fire after a long day.

Can't wait to start the new season with a new yet old way of doing things, new for her and old for me.. She will learn I hope the true traditions of duckhunting and grow from it and teach it to her kids someday, as well as things like honor and how to make true friendships, something I've had to learn too... I'm still learning, Its Great to see you here too!! Tell Mark fair warning I'll be over to his page soon!! Time for work..