oops :>( :>(

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member
Just need to vent,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I just trashed my 400.00 dollar Interapid indicator. I inadvertently started the machine spindle up @ 4000 RPM and it came flying out of the spindle. DUH--------- crap, crap, crap
How is your day going?


Hope the rest of the day goes better from there, Dave
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately there are more broken parts than good ones left. The body is severely damaged also. I think a silent prayer and a farewell are the only fitting thing to do. I suppose I could use it inside a hollow decoy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nope don't even want to hint of thinking about work when out on the ponds and rivers.
Dave, I'm sorry for your $400, but I'm glad it was "only" a replaceable piece of equipment.

Reminds me a a story from long ago. I was working for a sister company of a commercial cabinet shop. I was walking thru the shop one morning. I stopped to watch one of the guys who was working on a meeting table for the Cleveland Browns organization. This table was fairly ornate. Anyways, that's about the time when a good quality Carbide tipped 10" saw blade went for about $150. (back when a $150 was a weeks wages for some guys). Well, he had literally just put this new $150 blade on his table saw. On the very first cut, we hear a nasty screetch. Seems he found a nice, big, hardened screw in the wood he was cutting, ruining the blade. He stood back, muttered a few words, and changed the blade. I believe he said something like- "well, you're gonna have that" as he went back to work.

Do you want me to start a GoFundMe for Huntindave McCann ?

I already tried a form of that at work, all I've be offered from my coworkers is some pocket fuzz.

Oh well, life goes on and yes I am glad it bounced off the back wall instead of my forehead.
Do you want me to start a GoFundMe for Huntindave McCann ?

I already tried a form of that at work, all I've be offered from my coworkers is some pocket fuzz.

Oh well, life goes on and yes I am glad it bounced off the back wall instead of my forehead.
Pocket fuzz. .....That's not right Dave. I'm in for $10
I could have destroyed it for you. Not that I'd ever want to measure something to 0.0005 in. Sorry.

I've still have two more indicators which will read to .0005 in. The one I destroyed, used to read to .0001 in. which is a good thing when the tolerance is sometimes within .0002 in. Thankfully not all my work is that precise. Usually the jobs that are real precise are also the jobs that use the high dollar exotic materials.
Wow, you really dodged the bullet on that. I have no knowledge of what a interapid indicator is but anything spinning coming off a machine has to be deadly. Glad your okay.
wis boz
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Dave, that sucks about your indicator but glad to hear you didn't get hurt other than in the wallet. Like Boz I don't know what an Interapid indicator is, or used for......sooooooooo would you please enlighten us? I tried googling it and primarily got where to buy and how come ours are better than theirs type websites but couldn't find what they're used for.....
glad there are some other folks who are ignorant of what this interapid indicator is, much less, what it is used for, except for REALLY close tolerances.
Please explain to us on the bottom of this thread.
George, Dani and all,
The tool I destroyed is used when a very precise measurement is needed. It is built like a fine Swiss watch. There is a dial face and a needle on the dial much like a clock face and needle. Instead of time the face displays units of travel, in this case every .0001 of an inch. There is a ball on the end of a slender shaft which makes contact with the surface being measured. Any deviation of the surface translates to movement of the contact ball and the amount of movement can be read on the dial face.
View attachment indicator.jpg

And the inner workings;
View attachment interapiddrawing.jpg
I CALL B.S. Since when are you using a tenth indicator???

I wouldn't normally make a response to a pencil pusher, but in your case I'll make an exception. I use a tenth indicator ALL THE TIME! so there!

That's the only way he can keep everything within the +- .004" tolerance. and he doesn't have to move anything... :^)

Seriously Dave, does the company cover tool replacement?

They " may" pay a percentage. I asked and have not received a solid answer just yet.
Oh and BTW; If I have an "open " tolerance like +/-.004 I usually just use my scale and eyeball it!