Ben -
I really like the beech tree photo.
Where I hunted from 1964, until 2009, in Forest County, PA. There was a huge beech tree, that had many knife carvings in it going back to the early 1960's.
It was located next a very old logging trail, over looking Maple Creek. It was also where the PA Game Commission cannon netted wild turkey in the 1970's, for transporting to other places.
In years of a heavy beech nut crop, turkey, and some bear frequented the area around the tree, and its family.
One year I found a dead turkey at the base of the tree, sans a head. Roost to far from the tree trunk, and the Great Horned Owl might get ya...
Very close to the tree, was a year long wet spot, that always had Wood Newts nearby. What beautiful creatures they are.
I wanted to go back to visit and hunt, but a good friend of mine told me the area has been logged. I wonder if they left the old beech tree, as it would provide poor product.
A few years ago I read a Penn State study, that the year after a good Beech nut crop, the bear population grows.
From the bumper crop of bears in PA these days, the beechnut crop must have been good for many years. Which I think is rare, just from my experience.
If I should go back, and old beech is still alive. I will take a photo. Something I should have done years ago. Guess I took it for granted that it would always be there.
Our outdoor life style sure is wonderful ain't it.[smile]