Opening day coming soon

anthony m coons sr

Well-known member
With a week away here in the Hudson Valley, New York State. Duck season is coming fast. I have to say I miss the old days when we would open up this weekend. I really don't like the way these season are now set. I feel we lose lots of good duck hunting days. But I guess they have their reasons. Anyway there are ducks around right at this moment, But who know with this crazy weather we been having. We really haven't got much rain so some of the swamps are almost bone dry. The streams are record low, So I think the big water will be the way to go around here. I know lots of you guys got more rain then you wanted with all these storms. Hope and pray your all well and safe. Anyway, One of my partners went out on Friday and put his blind out . He came back with a smile on his face so I know he saw some birds. But here is another problem !opening day the tide down here is going to be high like 3:41 AM so its going to be a pain right in the you know WHAT!. So I'm packing the cooler, because we are going to be on mud for a long time. But I'm happy, I'm alive and I'm going Duck hunting once again. The smells of the river mud is heaven to me, I hope I see birds and I hope I get to shoot. If I get a few that will be a plus. But I'm going hunting come hell or High water.

Anthony SR.
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good luck Anthony

The DEC has sent out a notice last week that the northern part of Montezuma Refuge is dry

the marsh we hunt is also just wet muck - no way to move a boat

it looks like the Delta storm is going to miss us -

so - duck hunting - just add water - we will see what happens


I'm certain that you'll find a way to be out there, have a enjoyable time, and maybe a good nap.

Good luck, and I await yer report.

There was some rain here last night, but not near enough. I'll go trout lookin', and look see later today.

There's a whole lotta dry out there.

Duck season, Pheasant season, and Fall Turkey season open on the same day. Gonna be a wild weekend.

I'll go fly fishing, God willing, and wait until Monday to hunt me thinks.

Of all three, turkey has my interest as I've seen some nice longbeards on the acorns.

October seems to fly by. One way or another, we gotta do our best to be "Out There" to enjoy it.

Best regards
Vince Pagliaroli said:
There was some rain here last night, but not near enough. I'll go trout lookin', and look see later today.

There's a whole lotta dry out there.


i was doing some figuring on the amount of water we need to get a boat out -

one inch of water on a square mile is 17.4 MILLION gallons-

make that two feet deep to run a boat - half a BILLION gallons

not counting what the dry ground will soak up -

at least I have a setter pup to train - but the few woodcock spots I have been in are crunchy dry as well

however- I'm out in the woods - "social distancing" at its best
Rick L said:
Vince Pagliaroli said:
There was some rain here last night, but not near enough. I'll go trout lookin', and look see later today.

There's a whole lotta dry out there.


i was doing some figuring on the amount of water we need to get a boat out -

one inch of water on a square mile is 17.4 MILLION gallons-

make that two feet deep to run a boat - half a BILLION gallons

not counting what the dry ground will soak up -

at least I have a setter pup to train - but the few woodcock spots I have been in are crunchy dry as well

however- I'm out in the woods - "social distancing" at its best


I'm almost to the point of writing off the waterfowl season, even before it begins, because of the drought.

Where there is water, there will be waterfowl (for awhile anyway) and plenty of hunters. Those areas are very well known.

Things could change later in the season, but as you wrote, it will have to be a major amount of water.

I've read some reports from the Canadian Duck Factory stating - "because of no USA hunters, lack of pressure will impact the migration, and weather will provide a major role."

Areas in the USA that are getting plenty of water, will also draw plenty of waterfowl when they arrive. Could be very interesting indeed.

The crunchy woods concerns me very much. Cuz there are plenty of folks out there social distancing as well. A dropped cig, and away we go...

Farmers that I talk with say they are having problems watering their stock, and mud holes are full of deer tracks.

We just gotta do the best we can in the Strange Days of 2020.


I will tell you all about my 6 hours on the mud. No I will fill you in over the weekend. Hope your season when it opens is a great one.


Sorry to hear that my friend, Rain around here has been few and far apart. But this time of year you can go from dry to to much water fast. So I will do a rain dance for us and we will see what happens. Stay positive my friend. Better days are coming. Stay healthy and safe then go wack some ducks.


Get out there and do what you love, Shoot one of everything! But have fun doing it. Dry isn't the word for it. Even all the clay around here looks like the face of the moon. Big water is the place to be when the cold weather comes. Ponds, Streams, Swamps will freeze really fast this year. Loading the boats up tomorrow , grassing the outlaw up tomorrow. I'll have three boat ready to go . I'll pick out the one best to where I end up hunting I'll keep you posted my friend. My son is coming up from Long Island he works his butt off at his job. So I hope we get some shooting to make it worth his time. God Bless

Your numbers are killing me. Rain like that isn't coming here that soon. So I'm going to be on the mud a long time lol. Great report Thanks
good luck Anthony ,

The season are now set by a computer matrix, i think this is year 3 of a 5 year trial. we are getting rain now and wind hopefully once it shifts back to NW it will bring birds to all. We close on the 25th I think and I'm sure we will be covered in birds then[smile]. I will be making a trip down on the mighty Hudson next month. I grew up on the river it holds a special place for me. Good luck,shoot straight

Those are some monstrous eye bolts and chain link on your blind. What did that used to be used for?

Hope you get into some birds with this rain you are getting.


What part of the Hudson my friend, Birds are around for now we had some good rain today . But Not enough to change things. Maybe I'll run into you on the long River. Happiness is seeing ducks on opening day in range. The rest is up to the Lord if you can hit one . God Bless

Those bolts and that big box looking thing are off a huge ship. Its been on the banks of the Hudson for years. Late in the year I walk out there at low tide and sit in a lawn chair and hunt. Make a great cover blind. Been there longer then I been hunting. So a long time. I'll send it to ya. You pay the postage. It weights thousands of pounds I think. Might get there before most of the mail in ballots lol. As always thanks. I post some photos of opening day if its good. God Bless!
Good morning Anthony ,

I lived in Hyde park & Beacon in the 60's and early 70's ,got the see the clean up of the river and the return of the blue crab . I will making the trip back down to hunt in the Hudson area