opening day in Wis

Jim, we got a couple of Mallards on Sat and two Blue Bills on Sun Thats the first divers of the year. Then the wind changed came from the East. We do best with a North West wind.
Hey Jim,

Sounds like you had a good time. Sorry to hear about the foot. A friend did that to me once, except it was the tongue of a boat trailer, sans the boat but it hurt like a mother! Hit me square on the top of the foot. Ouch!

Got out with my dad this morning. He turns 60 on Wednesday. We had a wicked time getting into our flooded spot but it was worth it. I doubled on a pair of teal and got a nice woodduck. Dad dropped a nice woodduck with the old Model 12. If we were any better at shooting we could have had a few more. It was good just to spend time with him in the woods though.

Good luck this season.

Nate Grace
Wis Boz -

You didn't happen to put in at Lynn Hollow did you? There were a couple of gentlemen that were loading up a Carsten's just as my dad and I were getting ready to pull out. You had mentioned that the two of you had a pretty good day, and we ended up with a single drake widgeon. We didn't do any better the following morning in the rain either.

Good to hear you had a successful hunt on the Ol' Miss, but sorry to hear about the foot.

Take care.
So glad there is no fracture.Now you ,as a physical therapist know how to get healed.Take your best advice.I'm looking forward to seeing your signature on the traveling CAN.
Don't forget the pics and story of the hunt.
Good shooting
Joe O
Yes that was us at Lynn Hollow. I commented on the great looking rig you had. We happened to be in a spot where we had lots of shooting--mostly woodies and teal and I guess I'm spoiled I don't shoot teal too often. I was surprised at the small number of hunters there?
wis boz
Wis Boz -

Thanks again for the compliment. It takes the right spot to hide the big boat, but it's comfortable to hunt out of and reassuring when the weather kicks up on the river. I too was surprised to see the lack of boats down there that evening. The next morning was a bit more crowded, but the ducks just didn't seem to be around. I'm really surprised at the lack of lilly pads in that section of the river this year. From what I hear, the high water earlier this summer thinned out the pads that had already established in the spring.

Perhaps we'll cross paths again later in the year. I'm sure I'll be down there a few more times. If not, best of luck to you this season, and I wish you the best with the recovery from the smashed foot.

Take care.
Wis Boz,

Thanks for the report on your weekend. Glad to hear you had a good hunt--and that there are no broken bones in your foot.

Isn't it strange one 82 year old member of this site supplies about 50% of the drama? Can't wait to hear about your next adventure!

I'd gladly give this so called drama to someone else. What kind of ducks are you finding in your area?
Mostly mallards and woodies on Pool 8. The blue-wing teal are nearly all gone. I've noticed a few canvasbacks are starting to show up in the closed area on Pool 7, but last I checked the USFWS counts weren't posted yet. We're kinda in that in between time where the teal have gone south, the remaining locals have settled into the closed areas, and the northern birds haven't come in yet--at least not enough to affect hunting.

I'm trying to figure out how I get this adjustable cast into a wader?
wis boz
Boz, just shrink wrap your legs, then you can forego the waders! Did you miss me???????
Joe O:
The xrays show no fracture--when the edema resides it may show something but I'm betting on no fracture and with ice, ultrasound and a adjustable cast I'll be ready for the arrival of the King. Thanks
wis boz
You forgot the epson salt! Okay historically speaking, do you have exciting events every year? So do we get to see a picture of the foot????????? I have faith ya know!
Of course we miss you! What I need is one of your deep massages to move the edema out of that damn forefoot. I actually did photo the foot but still trying to figure out how to post it---that's maybe a good thing--right? Good to see you popping up again.
wis boz
Of course we miss you! What I need is one of your deep massages to move the edema out of that damn forefoot. I actually did photo the foot but still trying to figure out how to post it---that's maybe a good thing--right? Good to see you popping up again.
wis boz

Okay Edema flushing for the have to do it myselfer! :) Since I can't be there to help you out. Here are your options the way I see it.

First put the foot in a hot foot bath with epson salt. Epson salt helps reduce bruising. Let soak for 20 minutes then have your favorite fishing bucket half full of ice water. Put your foot in that as long as you can stand it no more than 20 minutes. Now it should be numb enough you can milk the fluid up towards the ankle/leg start proximal to the leg and then keep inching down further. If your beloved is up for it then you can lay on your back with your leg in the air and have her milk it for you. Or if you have a treatment table at your house then lay on your tummy with your knee bent and foot in the air. That is what my dad does for my mom when her ankles swell. Once milked then you have options too. :) If you have edema bandages they work best but if not an old tube sock and some "duck" tape will work to keep the fluid from building back up in the foot....or if you happen to have one of the compression sock that will be dual purpose.....they keep your feet very warm and keep swelling to a minimum and support your feet while you are out and about on the foot.

Okay granted it would be much nicer for you if I could work on it for you but we want to keep you out there hunting without that foot "fowling" things up for you! Get creative. I reckon if you have some stretch bands around the house you could wrap with one of those too. The advantage of that of course being that it would stretch when you walk unlike the tape! :)

Being that you know what I know about swelling you will know how much of this to take seriously! tee hee This is my disclaimer in the event someone wraps their foot and their toes fall off! :)

I look forward to the picture posting of your foot.
A couple of years ago I broke my foot prior to the opening.. It took quite the contraption but I was able to get my waders on and foot into my marsh skiis... The game warden in Horicon just shook his head and forgot to check my liceance... I'm trying to dig up some pictures I know I have of it... So I have empathy and sympathy for your situation..

How has the Mississippi been treating you guys??? Horicon has been hit and miss so far... This warm and humid weather is just killing me as days of my season tick away....
Thanks for your concern but the foot is coming along okay. I've hunted Horicon in the past and have seen those marsh skiis but never seen anyone using them. That has to be pretty trickie.
Pool 11 where I hunt has been pretty much locals--teal, woodies, some widgons and shovelers. This week has been warm and rain almost every day with tornado warnings out here tonight. My son hunted the Wolf river yesterday out of Appleton with nothing. We need a change of the weather to move them out.
wis boz
Well Jim,

Things changed in my part of the state. Was able to string 5 straight solid hunts together. We three skied into some nice spots and the wind kept them moving and decoying well.. My digital camera suffered a cruel death... My emergency cell phone also suffered a bad fate...

I might head up and hunt out of Nelson this weekend but I had heard the pressure has been out of this world.... I'm due for a nice boat hunt or two because my legs need a damn break...
Good luck