Pacific Black Brant Hunt Humboldt Bay

Mike, I guess I'll just make a few points. If you look at page 15 of the brant management plan that I linked, you'll see that if the population grows what the limits would be and if it declines what the limits how the limits will be reduced. Your concern that regulations only take away hunting opportunity and never restore previous limits is dependent upon the population count. If it grows longer seasons will be implemented.

The US Government collects excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, archery equipment and other items. That money is distributed back to the state fish and wildlife agencies based on the number of hunting licenses sold. This system has been in place since the 1930s. It is not a subsidy. If state license sales go down then they will get less funding.

As for pintails, the rationale for the potential increase in bag limit is due to the feds realizing that the models used for setting hunting regulations were too restrictive based on new information.
Hi there Brad
I understand what you're saying and as so with the sprig Population along with an increase in Bag limits.
This is not something that has just became an issue here on the west coast.
We Sportsman have been trying to get a larger bag limit for many, many years now seeing the numbers continuing with growth in huge numbers.
That problem finally got very controversy to where the hunters were fed up with the feds kept indicating that those numbers are increasing in huge numbers, but the west coast population are part of a whole number that is not happing in other parts of the flyways. That issue was ongoing for a number of years with the council indicating problems in the breeding grounds are keeping the populations down in certain parts of the breeding grounds therefore the problem exists as we continue to see the pacific flyway increase to huge numbers.
When hunting over decoys and huge flocks cover the decoys year after year hunters were getting frustrated with the huge numbers and nothing being done with the bag limit that many said they were done with the Dept of wildlife doing nothing but taking away and never give limits back.
When the limits were taken away it was not because we on this fly way were having issues it was other flyways but we all in their words had to help one another get through this decrease in the population in other flyways. There was never a good reason for them to do what they did and still to date has not changed except our numbers are at a huge increase and finally looked at.
The Brant on the other hand is basically doing the same exact thing with huge numbers that have grown over the years to become even larger and better than what they once were in the 60's and 70's but we don't see any changes and we see the exact things going on with the Brant.
Izembek counts on record indicated the numbers are growing and even with a down year doesn't come close to the declines in the 70's and saying the numbers are much better than when they were in the 60's and 70's.
What most agencies are not seeing and taking it for granted that the numbers are not as high as they should be in which they actually are but with 70+ thousand Brant staying in AK and not migrating has become an issue that needs to be looked at.
Even with them trying to push the birds into their migrating pattern they move a few miles and then back to the refuge where the feed and terrain is perfect for the now resident flocks that stay year after year.
This issue will more than likely never get resolved because the agencies don't want a later season for whatever reasoning behind that plus the numbers will never get back to what they once were its just the way it is.
We have lost the sportsman that grew up hunting brant and carried on with a few that hear about the good old days.
here on the west coast of Oregon ppl don't even know what a Brant is let along wanting to hunt them.
As mentioned, growing up in Humboldt seeing a number of 23 Oldtimers blinds along the spit and 8-10 stilt Blinds over the bay and today they are all gone with the BLM putting only 9 spots along the spit and no blinds manmade can be built and no stilt blinds.
I have seen a lot go over this lifetime, but very often do we not see things given back to the Sportsman.
I guess we just chalk it up as it is what it is and move on as the chats and talks see to go that way pertaining to whatever the depts want to see happen with our fish, wildlife and waterfowl.
I have often tried to see the younger waterfowl hunters try sculling a lost art and have even taken a few out for a day shooting mallard and the excitement but this is a lost art and they youngsters today want it easy hunting and learning this fine art has also gone to the wayside.
Brad thanks for the time well appreciated.. MikeE


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