packing list

chris k

Active member
well im going on my first out of state waterfowl hunt in two weeks im trying to do my best not to forget anything but with being there for 4 days there is a good amount of extra gear. Anyone have anything in mind i should bring i may over look?
Gun, ammo, waders and coat...the rest can be found wherever you are going if you do forget.
I am notorious for bringing too much stuff so I rarely forget anything too important. If I do forget something it is usually small like a head lamp that I should have stuck back in the blind bag.

Most guide websites have a packing list.

One thing I always pack when heading out is a canine first aid kit.
License and stamp is taken care of. Thats a good idea on the clothes line and I did add the boot dryer to my list definetley would have forotten that. Thanks for the input i will see what the guides in the area say to bring.
An extra gun of the same ga. if you have one , or can borrow one from a friend. It REALLY sucks to go on a hunt as a "spectator", (don't ask me how I know). Semper Fi, Bro.

Extra clothes in a dry bag.
I had to cut a trip short because I got water down my back and got cold. Now have T and chamios shirt in vacuum sealed bag, xtra gloves etc...