Parting out a big piece of waterfowling history..

Jon Yenulonis

Well-known member
I saw this on another site.

I go out to the Island several times a year. This museum has always been my favorite. Up until it closed three years ago, I or I should say "we", my Wife would always tag along too, would always schedule an afternoon to just walk around and gawk.

I used to watch "Cigar" Daisey carve and paint. He was never afraid to share a story or two. Back in the early eighties, you could stop in and watch him carve and paint a Bufflehead or a Ruddy and then buy it for about thirty dollars. A shame for what those same decoys go for now.

My Wife and I were some of the last few people to go thru the museum. The girl behind the counter told us they were closing that afternoon after we left. I had always hoped someone would buy the place and re-open it.

I guess it's not to be. Too bad. One of my favorite places in the whole world.

Here's a few snapshots for those of you who never had the opportunity to visit.







Jeff, are you coming up, or bidding by phone? Can't decide if I should go to preview to look, or auction on Saturday to watch?
That sucks I guess there is no hope now for it to reopen. I guess people would rather rent scooters than see history of the Eastern Shore and waterfowl history.

Gene R.
That was such a wonderful place.......... Everytime I went to Chincoteague to hunt or vacation I would stop in. Still have my ticket stubs on a display board in my shop. It's a shame to see it go.
I too would go and walk thru every chance I got when visiting the island. Just an amazing place to see and visit.......... Going to really miss it.
Too bad. Hard to fund museums and the like. Local museum is starting to come around with private funding. Adding slowly to the decoy collection. Will miss it the next time down there...
It's my understanding that the family had no interest in duck hunting, running or maintaining it & the state had no funds to purchase the collection.
As I read this, sitting in Beijing, there are tears in my scotch. So sad and such a disgrace. I have never been to the museum... But have wanted to for some time....
This is the " Heart & Soul " of our Sport, it would be a shame to see it disappear into oblivion. This would be History Lost. Like to get contact information, maybe they would like to donate something to our up & coming Museum on L. I. , N.Y.
His kids didnt want to run it, tried to sell it to Va Beach but they didnt have a facility large enough to house the collection so it went up for auction. I knew Mr. Maddox as a family friend for a very long time. His stories will be with me always.