Pattern question

Brad Wainscott

Active member
Might be a dumb question...does anyone use the same pattern for say a bluebill for a can or a redhead. Just making a basic black cork magnum!!!!
Yes of course you can use watever body pattern you want heads are a different story. Take herters decoys for example every decoy is basiccly same decoy with different paint
that is basically what i do, i started with a bob-tail pattern liked it then added vinyl tails as an after thought. The addition of a tail makes the cans appear longer than the red heads or scaup. Just my opinion.

There is a long tradition of using the same body patterns for these closely-related divers (they are all pochards in the genus Aythya), but....there are differences. Cans, especially, are different from Broadbill and Redheads. Cans have longer bodies with shorter tail sections. With a simple body form, the difference can be reflected with your paint job - by painting a smaller black chest and also bringing the "white" (canvas-colored) sides and tertial feathers further aft.

Here are Herters Model 72 Broadbill and Cans for comparison:


Notice that the Black on both ends of the Can is much less extensive than on the Broadbill:


Hope this helps,


Excellent bird! The body is a great size and shape - with a very nice gunning paint job. Very practical and very effective, I'm sure.

All the best,
