Pete Revicki.......ODCCA pool winner!

Duane G

Active member
Big congrats to the duckboat page own Pete Revicki for winning the pool contest yesterday with a black duck. Way to go Pete & it was great to see you in Ohio. Thanks!
As I'm sure none of you have noticed, I've been hiding under a rock lately...actually laboring away would be a better description than hiding...anyway, I thought this deserved peaking out, saying my thing, squinting a little, gasping some fresh air and then going back to I hear that an honest gunner won in the pool? Pete' Blackducks for me (albeit a non east coast guy) represents the ideal Blackduck gunner to me. Simple, elegant, just enough ticking on the head, not a lick of feathering to the body, a little bit of cork texture showing through, along with great form and workmanship. If I were in an area with a decent population of Blackducks and had unlimited funds I'd commission a whole rig of Pete's deeks. I'm proud to have one of Pete's Blackducks in my rig, I'm proud to know Pete and call him a friend and there is not a more deserving decoy maker to take BOS in the Wildfowlers contest.

Congrats Pete! Now someone post up a photo...and watch it turn out to be a decoy with individual feathers painted, blended and split...and I'll have to eat crow.


Added picture of my Blackduck by Pete:


I still want to see a picture of Pete's deek from Sunday...and maybe a picture of Pete swimming!
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Now someone post up a photo...and watch it turn out to be a decoy with individual feathers painted, blended and split...and I'll have to eat crow.

Could be worse, maybe Pete made one using canvas! ;>) ;>)

Congrats Pete
I have some pictures and will get Chris to post them tonight. We missed you Chuck at the pool this year. Also a big thank you to all the volunteers in the ODCCA for putting the show on. Without their hard work the show would not be what it is GREAT.
Pete it was nice talking with you prior to your big win. Congrats, you deserve it. P.S you should move on to spoonies now?
Pete's black duck decoys are phenomenal. I have a pair and they simply do not have a single fault. Look great in the hand and on the water. The elegance he gets from simplicity, aesthetic lines and subtle paint is the hallmark of a great decoy.

It was good to meet you guys, just wish I had more time to talk. I loved the redhead and Chris should be posting pictures of it along with Gary's bluebill hen.
sorry about the delay

3rd - Gary Hanson

2nd - Grant Werdick

1st - Pete Revicki

(edit to add names)
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