picked up the float yesterday

Chris Finch

Well-known member
finnanly after waiting forever for winter to break i was able to run north and pick up my seacoast gunning float. it was a good trip and luckily there were no problems. now im going to start personalizing her:

replace some hardware
remove cover snaps(still undecided wether or not to get a new cover made)
redo motor bracket/splash gaurd
a little fiber glass work to cover the ceter rib
paint it medium open water gray from lous shop








Interesting hull, I have never seen one of those before. I would love to see some photos showing the entire boat from a side view. Best of luck with her...
thats an awesome rig! i have always wanted to give that a try. If your ever looking for a roadtrip bring her down to delaware and Ill put you up!
Nice pick up, Chris!
If I may, what are the objects in the fourth and fifth pics? Look to me like two backrests or seats (?) with some sort of rack for storing oarlocks?
I'm sure that I am missing it, though.
Ditto Carl's request: I'd love to see the whole hull and to hear how you intend to hunt it.
All the best,
I missed this post sorry, they are back rests that get bolted to the boat. I took them off to get it ready for paint
Thanks, Chris -
Cool looking boat! (And I re-read your 'adding to the fleet' post)
Congrats and,
All the best,
Thay always looked like an interesting scull. I alwats liked the looks of the stern on them. I'm not sure about the motor mount on there. Did you get the scull oar with the boat?