Pictures from 3 hunts

Al Hansen

Well-known member
Hunting hasn't been all that good but steady. For me a good hunt is being in the duck blind and hopefully seeing some birds. If I get one or two then it is a bonus. Yes, I also know that my dogs will be happier, too!

The first hunt from November was the day that I finally was able to shoot some gadwalls.




Habi's 2nd drake gadwall came in with a group of 4. I absolutely love hearing the wings of these birds when they are losing altitude fast. It sure wakes everyone up in the blind. Without hesitation they came barreling in and Habi made quick work of this one.

Can't help but smile every time I look at that G&H drake mallard decoy with the missing eye. Not one duck has noticed it missing to my knowledge! That is the way it was shipped to me back in the early 2000s.


You will quickly notice that I am not an elaborate blind builder. I go for bare necessities and that is about it. We just don't move around much and that is all that is necessary. I also make sure no ducks can spot us from the air especially from our backside which most of this blind is nestled back into a good sized clump of salt cedars.


On this hunt, I guess I must have been sitting there way too long before shooting. I finally had a small group of mallards come in and I took a long shot. For me, that might be 40 yards. Problem was that the birds were going left to right which is normally my favorite shot but my barrel of the Nova is bent with a curve to the left, so I just scratched this guy. However, steady Habi did what she needed to.


There were small ripples still on the pond when she crossed over on the shallow side. The morning light had a beautiful effect on it.


I would not be duck hunting if I didn't have a dog with me. They do make the ultimate difference.


For the month of December, yesterday was quite something. I thought perhaps the entire morning would be a complete bust because Chip and I sat in the blind from 6AM, which was 26 minutes prior to opening until 8:15 before we saw some ducks. There were 3 mallards that came from our back side heading south. I was able to coax them back with the duck call and they made one circle coming back over the pond. I looked at it and just didn't like the shots offered so let them go. As soon as they passed I was making the lonesome hen call and they made another swing. This time they had dropped to about 25 yards and when the moment was there swung on them and squeezed the trigger. If you ever wanted to see a flabbergasted 74 year old hunter, yesterday would have been the time to witness it. All 3 ducks crashed to the ground. The first two landed in the short weeds not 30 feet to the southeast of us and the third one hit the trail to the east. Chip and I walked over there and he made quick work of her. Hey, I'll take a Norwegian triple any day. I guess it has been 6 years ago that I shot the last one. They are rare as hen's teeth for me.

Chip and I then sat in the blind until 10:30 hoping to see some brunch time mallards but we never saw another feather. That was fine however because I was still smiling!

Al, thanks for posting. I enjoyed the hen's teeth comment. It reminded me of my great aunt Laura who used to say that. Good memories.
"Norwegian Triple"

I Like That!

Thanks for sharing great pics and stories, as always!
As my Great Grandma Peterson would say...Dat's A Vettie Goood! And my Great Uncle Clarence "Kike" Olsen would say something about you did good on those long faced chickens!

Nice story Al. I've seen two Mallards in a another guy's boat!...hehe. A couple of more weekends for me up here and the duck season will be over. It's been a great year as far as having time to hunt with some good people and having a couple of weeks to myself which I hunted every day. Got a couple of ducks and a few geese topped off with a 10pt buck. One weekend of deer gun season left which I have a tag to fill and then back to bow season. It's been a weird hunting season to say the least. Our party thought we had the blind to beat all blinds this year but someone forgot to tell the ducks. We have the blind for one more year so hopefully the word get out next year! You keep shooting ducks and posting pictures and I'll sit back by the fireplace with my Canadian Mist and 7up enjoying the stories.
Hey Kevin. Sure hope that you had some decent days then this fall. I was checking my records and noticed that I have not shot many limits this year. Since our regular season opened on October 27th, there have been just two times that I have taken a limit.
Well, Carl, the very first time I ever shot 3 birds with one shell the only term I had ever heard of was a Scotch double. Being that I am Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Irish, I opted for Norwegian and it stuck.
Hi wis boz. Before I forget I am still hanging off cloud 9 after the Pack's (0 seconds left)victory last night over the Lions. Go Pack Go!

Glad to hear that you enjoyed the post. In one hour I will be out of here to go on another hunt.
Got a kick out what they said, Ed. This has been a strange year down here also. Normally I like hunting the Rio Grande but it is flowing so fast and high that I care not to put my dogs in harm's way. Secondly my blind that I used for the past three years is now history. I had it in the salt cedars right next to the water. Well, 30 feet of that area is now washed away and history. It has been at 1300 cfs and my comfort zone is between 250cfs and 450cfs. So it makes me lucky that I have a place to hunt.
By the way, that was a dandy buck that you got this year. Makes you a very lucky man. Don't forget to give Lucy a scratch behind the ear.
Dwight, I really got a kick out of "uff da!" I still have a high school classmate of mine that uses that term all the time.
Thanks so much, Troy. I sure hope that you had or are still having a successful waterfowl season.
Thanks so much, Doug. If you have had any deep freezes up there I am thinking that river is where you are hunting now. I wish you well.
Very nice Al, congats on the triple. If I recall correctly the only times I have ever had a triple is was on Buffle Head, just too hard to pick just the drake out when they are wadded up tight. Even then they are, as you say, "as rare as hen's teeth".

I agree with your comment about a dog making the hunt. My passion for the hunt isn't nearly as high now that I am dog-less so I try to have a few hunts a year with someone with a dog - it helps.