
Good conservation and a PETA like down state DOES NOT EQUATE.

As I posted prior.

I called the Animal Control Officer, as cats are killing birds, rabbits, squirrels, all small game here like crazy.

"Sorry sir I'm not ALLOWED to touch cats, on public or private property EVER."

"They are not animals?"

"I cannot touch them, just dogs."

(cats have more rights than people???!!!!)

Recently I read were legislation was introduced to protect cats from declawing in NY, as it is torture.


And George. All both two...
I believe if conservationist were more vocal about Feral cats peoples opinions would change. I remember an encounter I had as a child with Feral Kittens... they weren't all soft and cute.
Cats kill for the enjoyment of it.
Ken -

There are reams and reams of studies and data of how destructive Feral Cats & House Cats left outside are. All of it has been submitted to the powers that be, many times, over a long period, at every level of authority.

You can be vocal about it until yer blue in the face and loose yer voice. The stonewall is in place, and they drop it like it's hot.
I remember a relative's dog being caught by town officials and euthanized for running deer. He didn't complain--the dog was a project dog from the pound, still early in training, and he was pretty sure it was guilty. A neighbor saw it out chasing deer in his pasture and called the town animal control officer. But it really tore my relative up, because he felt responsible for not training the dog properly or putting up a fence he couldn't get under. (For the record, having met this dog, I'm pretty sure he would have gotten out of just about any fence other than a Supermax facility.)

Seems to me that in today's world some of our songbird populations are of much higher concern than deer, and feral cats should be subject to the same rules as free-running dogs.

As for guides and celebrity hunters and their violations, it seems to be a new low standard--Nugent, Foiles, and now this. One of the reasons I've never considered guiding is that I know there are bad days of fishing, and I don't want to be in the position of being asked by a client to push the limits (legal rules or personal ethics) to put fish in the boat on the bad days.