Poll: What wind hunts best--and why?

around here having wind is good. Direction isn't a big deal, just shift to the other side of the lake/marsh. I'd prefer southwest, south or east just to keep the sun out of my eyes (I almost always try to set up with the wind from behind or quartering). Having the sun behind me also keeps the shadows hiding me and the dog better. While N-NW winds do tend to indicate new ducks moving into the area, it also means facing the sun while hunting which is a pain.

Same down here in Southern Oklahoma.
For what its worth, it was blowing hard from almost due west most of yesterday. Ended up hunting both spots. At the first (which was said to hunt great on a NW wind), we saw a handful of ducks at first light. I dropped a black on a dandy shot out of a group of three that buzzed the decoys but didn't want in, and my buddy fumbled his safety on a pair of woodies. (I told him it was too warm for those heavy gloves :) )

In the afternoon we hunted the spot said to never hunt well on a NW wind, and it was dead. We motored and polled about 5 miles of tidal river channels that usually hold ducks everywhere, and moved a total of 5 ducks, plus we saw two flocks of 20 or so teal flying a long way away. We never even bothered to set up, but spent all afternoon looking for where the ducks were.