Present from my son...


Sitting in my office doing paperwork today so naturaly I am doing everything and anything other than what I am supposed to be doing...

Got to looking at this block on the shelve and thought some of you guys might enjoy it, this is my sons first block to carve without help. I don't do much in the way of carving but run the heads through the bandsaw for him, this was his first complete solo when he was 11 and he did it mostly while I was at work so he could suprise me with it. my favorite part is the googley eyes lol! goofy or not we have killed a lot of birds over that block, from oldsqauw to bluewing teal, it goes everywhere with us


Thanks, he helped cut down the cedar for the block and the maple for the keels a year before he built it and then helped split the 8 foot logs with wedges so they would dry better. he is getting to be quite the worker, been building tip ups and spearing decoys lately. He is dieing to go pike/musky spearing but is dad lacks the patience and isn't a big fan of keeping large predator fish, one of these days will go out and indulge him though. I swear he's like a little nick adams. can't keep the kid indoors
How much would you take for it? HA
Depending on where your at and how the ducking is there I may be interested in renting it for a few hunts, of course i would have to chaperone....... :)
That's really awesome John but the eyes are giving you that "don't touch me there" look.......;-). Of course I'm jealous. I can't carve my initials let alone a decoy!
That is just the thing that is necessary to make any day a great day. Just think how lucky you are----
That's really awesome John but the eyes are giving you that "don't touch me there" look.......;-). Of course I'm jealous. I can't carve my initials let alone a decoy!
I know the look well, I get it from my wife all the time
That is just the thing that is necessary to make any day a great day. Just think how lucky you are----
It's not lost on me Al, I'm not a big believer in luck but whenever I spend time with other kids his age I am forced to concede it must play at least a bit of a role.
I'm going to have to find me a good luck charm like that to take with me. Those eyes makes me think of the face a duck makes at the moment you pop up out of your blind and take aim. If you find yourself in my neck of the woods next season look me up and your welcome to come along.....providing you bring "THE DECOY"....LOL
Those eyes makes me think of the face a duck makes at the moment you pop up out of your blind and take aim. If you find yourself in my neck of the woods next season look me up and your welcome to come along.....providing you bring "THE DECOY"....LOL
Thats funny, he named that block "special Ed" I am going to dig up the first block he ever carved, before the bandsaw, before the foredom, before the stationary sanders....just a rasp and a dull hatchet. we run it every time we seaduck hunt and the joke is it scares the birds out of the air. when I get a few more acounts reconciled I'll go look for it.

thanks for the offer Tom, someday for sure. Right now our travel schedule is full to the point of breaking the budget. I have a turkey hunt this spring in Virginia with a friend that lost his wife recently in a car accident and a duck hunt in november with a couple of buddies in louisiana, both of these trips are with guys I have met on forums, never met face to face. The other forum I frequent is full of 20 somethings and quite low brow, I enjoy it but I must say it is kind of refreshing to come over here and talk with big boys now and again lol!