Quality foam decoys

Yes Paul our Mallard body was also carved by Frank Peeters and is a wonderful detailed 16in body.
I threw away the decoys I finally got from Ure duck. Horribly cast and broken feet right out of the package. ZERO customer service.... Z-E-R-O.
My compliments to Frank Peeters! He did an excellent job of copying a Capt.Freddie Muhs magnum mallard body already in production in urethane foam by LS&B. This body rides open water really well He did the rump transition a bit differently than the 28 bodies I hunt over.

I'm currently about a third of the way into making a dozen fitted with basswood carved heads and birds-eye maple keels for a customer in Colorado.

Another foam decoy to consider would be Spiritwater decoys.
Just so I don't go off, Frank Peeters was a very talented carver in his day and he didn't "copy" other peoples work. He and Lou knew each other well and it's not something that would have happened.
Just so I don't go off, Frank Peeters was a very talented carver in his day and he didn't "copy" other peoples work. He and Lou knew each other well and it's not something that would have happened.
Honestly when that Mallard was carved I had no clue what it would look like just like the bluebill and ringneck. I told him what was needed size and species and he did the rest. We completely trusted his decisions on the carvings and he didn't let us down. People will think what they want and unfortunately to take stabs at someone who is now gone from this world is as low as low can be to make such accusations. Period. Haters are always gonna hate.
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It's a shame they aren't still making the LZ decoys (though the new tanglefrees are by Mike Braun). I have a whole black duck rig of them and they are some of my favorites. If anyone has any LZ teal floating around holler at me :)
I threw away the decoys I finally got from Ure duck. Horribly cast and broken feet right out of the package. ZERO customer service.... Z-E-R-O.

Ain't that the sad truth. I too am embarrassed to say I fell for what appeared to be some good ideas but reeeeeeally poor implementation. The customer experience felt like throwing money out of a moving vehicle and I've seen better painting by kids under age 8. The only response I ever received from them was within an hour of filing a complaint with PayPal. AVOID.
Just so I don't go off, Frank Peeters was a very talented carver in his day and he didn't "copy" other peoples work. He and Lou knew each other well and it's not something that would have happened.

Then what did happen?

I would think that a photo comparison of the decoys would be an obvious first step to clear this up. There has been a lot of monkey business in the boat and decoy molding world over the years and it would be really nice if this forum's membership was on the side of the craftsmen that are in the right - as I believe we have been over the years. I'd like some clarifying evidence posted up.
Just so I don't go off, Frank Peeters was a very talented carver in his day and he didn't "copy" other peoples work. He and Lou knew each other well and it's not something that would have happened.

Then what did happen?

I would think that a photo comparison of the decoys would be an obvious first step to clear this up. There has been a lot of monkey business in the boat and decoy molding world over the years and it would be really nice if this forum's membership was on the side of the craftsmen that are in the right - as I believe we have been over the years. I'd like some clarifying evidence posted up.

Tod, I can assure you that none of our decoys are copies of anyones. I would be glad to take photos of the wood masters with Franks stamp on them if that would help. Even though I am not obligated too I agree and will gladly post photos I am not sure if they are here or at the shop I will go look. As for boats Lots of guys copying them and several of ours are being copeid to this day. I have bought or designed everyone of our boats with my own hands. I bought Busick, Kalash, Arthur Armstrong,TDB and MLB ourtright and the rest are my own designs. I dont copy other peoples stuff for my own profit. Years ago when I was making decoys molds I was hired to make some molds for a guy and I did, These were someone elses decoys and immediately stopped once I was notified. But fact is if you want to protect your stuff patent it or copyright it legally so its known because not everyone will recognize every decoy and who made it. I now have 2 patents pending for our decoys and will patent each and everyone of them as we introduce them to market. I also have one copyright on one of my own designed boats as well. I learned my lesson the hard way. And I have no interest in stealing someone elses stuff for my own gain. now to go look for those master decoys.
Just so I don't go off, Frank Peeters was a very talented carver in his day and he didn't "copy" other peoples work. He and Lou knew each other well and it's not something that would have happened.

Then what did happen?

I would think that a photo comparison of the decoys would be an obvious first step to clear this up. There has been a lot of monkey business in the boat and decoy molding world over the years and it would be really nice if this forum's membership was on the side of the craftsmen that are in the right - as I believe we have been over the years. I'd like some clarifying evidence posted up.
Here is a few photos. first the ringneck that Frank carved for us. Note its still in raw wood. Next the upright mallard head. this is the wood head and a body. I dont have the original wood bodies here for the mallard right now as they are at the tool and die company who is making our molds as they had to be scanned into 3d. But I assure you they are no way shape or form copies as weas suggested by RLLigman and Frank Peeters carved them with his very own hands. And with the proof I believe RLLigman owes an apology for wrongly acusing a person who cannot stand up for himself due to passing several years ago. That was just wrong and totally uncalled for. I have paid for my mistakes and wont deny them. But for guys to just shoot off the hip and make these accusations its getting old hearing it all the time. I own everything I make rightfully which is alot more than I can say about alot of others in the boat and decoy business.

I took these photos of lou's mallards off his facebook page. Obviously they are not the same decoys. Mine has a otter decoy head on it. I included the 3d scans of it as well. When I get the wood body back I will post a photo of it as well Frank stamped all his work with a branding Iron.
Hope this helps. But one things a guarantee is that my decoys were paid for by me to Frank Peeters to carve them or someone else.

One thing I notice right away thats difference is which tail feather is on top on the back of the decoy. and that the tail areas are just not even close to the same.
