Question for you guys way up in the frigid north

I use the Blue 495 mentioned above with the removable liner for setting the decoys. I cary a spare liner set if one gets wet. I also have a pair of older OR Mitten Style gloves with wool mitten liners to fight off the real cold boat rides. Mittens are way warmer than gloves, esp with a hand warmer inside. The Army Surp ones would be fine.

I keep a fleece Hand warmer for the sitting on the hunt.
Any time you can get the material away from the skin and get the whole hand working it helps in the heat transfer and circulation.

Here is a link to the Mitten, they sure were not 65 bucks when I bought them 18 years ago.
Sorry to hear about your accident , but good for you for not giving up on duck hunting or the cold , If you checkout the Adonis in RI posts you will notice that i have rubber gloves that i purchase from a comercial fisherman supply house nearby , they have a liner that can be dried fairly easily and will keep your hands warm and dry the nmae on my gloves is Perfect fit number 460 i will see if i can find the gloves on line i bought mine from a store called Wilcox marine who is not longer in bussiness but try a place called Hamilton marine . Good luck with your choice!!

Dave M
T I know what you are going through my hands have been frost bitten so mant times they hurt every day. I do not let it stop me from hunting no matter how cold it gets. what ever gloves or mittens you decide to get use one of these on the tiller handle. Kolpin Geartector ATV Mitts it is unreal how much they help. best of luck to you
Hello Dave; I have just reviewed all the great posts and supportive comments and unless I missed it---nothing about the chemical handwarmers. Seams to me that Cabela's etal. have some mitten or gloves that have a pocket one the top--ie back of those with velcro closing tab that you can put a heat pack inside of. Seeing as it is only during driving the boat the "over mitts" with a heat pack stuck between or taped on your glove first would be something to try.
Icebreaker is a company name. I think they make two products.....
The best for waterfowling is a muff....there are several makes but we find the one mentioned to be the warmest.
The most prevalent way to use one is to tie it around your waist and stick your hands in to get warm....
Honestly, when the weather gets cold I won't go out without one.
All you guys can laugh if you want but my hands are warm, my calls aren't frozen (yes, they get tucked in too) and I can keep the gloves off my calling and shooting hand.
Oh, I didn't recognize what you were talking about. I have spme of those I use when I'm in the blind. that is the same thing quarterbacks use when it is cold. I like those. My kids love'em.
Trip - The 460s in Brian's post look like the same gloves I buy at marine supply stores in Gloucester, MA - they are made for commercial fishing and you can get em pretty large so you have lots of extra pinched fingers...........perfect for running the boat and setting and retrieving the deeks........about 15.00 - 20.00.
Hi guys. Home from work now. I use the 460s for setting dekes. they are great when it is wet out. For my finger, they don't seem to work when motoring. ChrisM is going to send me a left handed snowmobile glove to try. I will let you know how that works out. the ATV mit rig looks real promising. I'll have to keep that one in mind if the snowmobile glove doesn't work. In any case, don't fret about me giving up the cold and duck hunting. I'll go if I have to figure out how to pull the trigger with my nose! This is why this sit is great, you guys have the experience with cold that we don't get. Trip.
I am new here and haven't posted before, but this is something that I have some experience with.

Up here in NW Washington it is common for the river fishing guides to run open boats with tiller handled outboard jets. A common set-up is a 22' boat and a 200-250 hp outboard with a kicker. As you can imagine, running the river in the snow and frigid temperatures will make your fingers a little chilly. Several of my buddies run tiller mitts to combat the cold. These mitts are an insulated enclosure that velcros or buckles to the tiller handle. They usually have a hole that is perpendicular to the tiller. You just fire up the motor, stick your hand into the hole, twist the throttle and go. Here is a link to one of models available. I have run a boat in sub- freezing temperatures with no gloves. My left hand was in the mitt and my other hand was in my coat pocket. Here is a link to one of the manufacturers.

I hope this helps.

well i just started hunting and its december ,i hunt opening week in oct but love the dec to jan season ,we have these mitts which have a pocket on the backside and its made to accomodate those heat packets you shake to activate,,ill wake up in morning and shake 4 of these, one set for the toes of the waders and the other for the mitts..and i always carry more in the kit there only a dollar a piece anyway,,if your in real wet weather i slip on a waterproof mitt and thro one in the mitt in the palm...i remember one hunt minus 18 C i had 2 in each boot and one inside the mitt and one in the pocket for each glove,,winds were nasty that day and the motor iced up on us i whipped out 4 more out of the bag and put them in on the carb area of the motor inside the cowling cover in a half hour we were motoring out....great invention they are...

Hi Trip,
The one suggestion I could toss into the mix would be to get a good muff or two.
When it gets really cold you can slip one side over the tiller handle and put your hand into the other side - or do pretty much the same thing with a light. We use Icebreaker muffs - not the most expensive but seem to be the warmest. Does not hurt to have a couple of heat packs in one either.

Muffs are great! Drake makes one called the "on the way handwarmer" or something like that that is angled so you can slide it over the tiller handle and keep your driving hand warm. I've got one and really like it. I can put a hothands in the muff, and it will be warm and waiting on my hands when I get ready for it. I never wear gloves and just use a muff because I hate the way a glove muffles a call. I'll get out in it down into the low teens/single digits if it gets that cold and my hands stay pretty warm. My feet are a different story at those temps, though!

I just checked Drake's website -on the way handwarmer 3 in 1, 29.99.
Hey Trip, all my snowmobiles have electric handlebar warmers installed. I bet you could put one on your tiller. I can buy them at the hardware store for about $50 as opposed to $100 at Yamaha. Let me know if you want to try it. I'm just putting an extra heating pad right on the thumb throttle on Mac's old Bravo.

Let us know if you find something that works. The warmest mitts I have are leather with fur or wool liners. Nothing special or expensive.

When I am Ice Fishing I use and love Ice Armor gloves. I use a thin under armor glove under the Ice Armor gloves when the temps fall to -10 or more. I know Ice Armor also makes mittens. The compony markets to ice fisherman but I would not hesitate to use them for duck hunting. They are also water proof and very durable. I have had mine for 3 years of heavy use.
Hi guys. Hunted the last two mornings and it hasen't been cold. I did lower my arm as HuntinDave sugested and it helped. It is going to be in the 20s next couple of days (a summer day to some of you guys). I'm stuck at home today doimg honeydos. I'll be out in it tomorrow.

Yukon Mike, what should I look for on-line for a tiller warmer. That is a great idea. I was at Gander Mountain yesterday and they didn't have any of the ATV mitts. I did buy some handwarmers though for tomorrow. I want to put them in some mitts and see how that works.

Hope you guys that are out there in it are shooting them up or catching a bunch ice fishing. I'll think about you as I replace a glass front door, set up our tree, get my tires rotated and aligned,buy last few presents (camo for my son, so that is fun), replace a washer in a faucet in kids bathroom. Dang, i guess I better get to it.