Radioactive contamination models and dispersion charts

My Response to the above: "Hey Barry, how about some Ice cream from Your old stomping grounds in Hawaii? You could share it with your little daughters, after all, it is only 2033% above the safe radiological standards."

Someone earlier asked what the safe levels of radiation might be?

I'd venture that they are less than the levels that cause your gums and your nose to hemorrhage.
Maybe, somehow, someone can put this into a more realistic perspective.
Please tell me the information from August 1945. I mean, with regard to jetstream dispersal , or distribution of radioactive contaminants?
I realize this is an extremely volatile thing but, it does not compare to what happened in 1945.
We worked our way to here and now, from there and then and, I'm sure we will work our way through this.
Just ask all the down-winders in UT, NV, and AZ that had loved ones die from cancer that was most likely caused by the open air testing in the 50's what they think.....

An Interesting read...

"Although no one knows for sure, some believe the tests even led to the death of an American icon - John Wayne. His death from lung cancer was attributed to his smoking, but historians have noted that he and 90 other people on the Utah set of The Conqueror in 1954 developed various types of cancer."

No one knows the total impact or affect of the open air testing...
Those Nuke tests "burned up" the fuel.
The busted cores and leaking containments are spilling unused plutonium and uranium.

that stuff will not degrade in 2000 generations.
It is now in the pacific ocean,
and fluttering down around us.

You inhale it, you are done.

A panel of people that are nuke physicists needs to be put in charge and the PTB need to deploy manpower to fix this problem.

Tepco higher ups need to be executed for their mismanagement.

This is the largest nuclear disaster in human history.

Granted, it was a partial natural disaster, but to the millions of people of japan, it could have been lessened if TEPCO had been straight up and said
"Look folks, this is beyond what we had in the text books, best get to the south end of Honshu"

Because it has been over a month, Millions of people have been blasted with radiation and will get sick.
The youngsters will be hit the hardest.

The company that built those plants is G.E.

G.E. is also the equity shareholder in 80% of the Mass media in the USA.

You wonder why you never hear anything about it on the news?

think a little harder then.

Arnie Gunderson Knows what he is talking about (Nuke Physicist)

Michio Kaku also knows what the hell is going on (Nuke Physicist)

This is a bad bad deal folks
and it is going to get much worse.

You remember "Yucca Mtn" the Multibillion dollar nuke disposal site?

You know how much nuke waste is there?
Not one single ounce!


It is all where it was spent, right there by the plants.

Most of us on here are growing a few gray hairs, and we'll go on,

but if you have little ones, this will be mission critical.
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