Raven and Crow Hunting????


Active member
Hello all

I have a quastion about crow and raven

Here in Quebec , it legal to hunt Crow but not raven ... a person ask me about made a feather of a crow in carving ... but have a question about if the hunt in legal in USA

My question: is it legal the hunt Crow in USA, or some part....

Thanks about it..

I dont post at max sine the spring, to much work here .. but this week , i will post 5 cocktails carving, all Eiders species , commun, steelers, king, spectacle, and labrador ...


You bet it is legal in MI! We actually have a 4 month season-plus a loophole in our regs that states that a crow can be shot any time they are about to create a depradation???
Crows have a BAD ASS reputation for being hardcore nest destroyers, and they are, being particularly tough on tree nesting songbirds.....

Ravens, their bigger, meaner, nastier, more agressive cousins are considered a SONG BIRD and can't be shot....good thing they aren't as common as Crows because if they were nothing that moved that they could swallow would be safe....I've watched them actively hunting pastures for Turkey Poults, slipping silently through the crowns of the Populars along the Columbia cleaning out every Oriole nest they find, seen them catch Pheasnat poults, and here int he yard have seen them take the little half sized Chipmunks when they venture out for the first time, plucking them off the rocks in the yard as if they were a Coopers Hawk....

Bad boys that get total protection......go figger.....

Yep here in NY we can hunt them September 1st until March 31st. However it is only Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mondays only. Not sure why but we can still shoot 'em.
Stef, here is a link to another Bob that really likes to shoot crows. He has kept records of every shoot he has been on. Only if guys here did that! Wow, what a pile of black feathers. I do know he has not made enough of a dent in them to keep the numbers down where I live. Very hard birds to hunt and very smart as far as set ups go. Electronic callers are key to a high shoot count.
In Delaware its legal. I have done it, lots of fun. You need some decoys and a crow call and very good cover or camo. They can see really well. Go to Crowbusters.com that site has a lot of info on hunting them. June thru March THurs Friday and Saturday only.