
Well-known member
Staff member
Once again, the classifieds are for active participating members of the DHBP.

If you are not an active participating member, your ad(s) will be deleted.

If you do not meet the letter and spirit of the rules, don't post to the classifieds.

Note: You may see some older members that don't seem to have the required number of posts, this is due to a glitch when the forum was transferred between operating systems/upgrades.

Being on the site for less than a week while adding pile of posts to try to reach the min. number of posts required does not make you a "active member" of the DHBP.
Once again, the classifieds are for active participating members of the DHBP.

If you are not an active participating member, your ad(s) will be deleted.

If you do not meet the letter and spirit of the rules, don't post to the classifieds.

Note: You may see some older members that don't seem to have the required number of posts, this is due to a glitch when the forum was transferred between operating systems/upgrades.
Once again, the classifieds are for active participating members of the DHBP.

If you are not an active participating member, your ad(s) will be deleted.

If you do not meet the letter and spirit of the rules, don't post to the classifieds.

Note: You may see some older members that don't seem to have the required number of posts, this is due to a glitch when the forum was transferred between operating systems/upgrades.
My name is Richard Anderson and am a relatively new member of this blog (I believe that is the correct term). I recently read the post regarding classifieds and am somewhat put off. Perhaps I am too reserved or perhaps I don't particularly like to blow my own horn but I would much rather hear what others have to say rather than post my own thoughts. I love reading various posts about duck hunting because I have only recently taken up the sport and to say I am not an active participant because I don't have thirty posts is very insulting. Rest assured I did not join only to use your classifieds but if I did, what would be the harm. Honestly, you guys are the pros and I just want to learn from more experienced members and the best way to do that is to listen...or in this case, read. If that doesn't make me an active participant, I don't know what does.

This is actually one of the few rules we have here. It was put in place to deal with issues, from a busier time in the sites history, where people joined and headed straight to the classifieds with no interest in the community. Rather they wanted to sell something and then forget we existed. They were using this community, but moreso these folks were much more likely to cause problems. From spamming/scamming to abusing admins when their posts were deleted for not following rules or they botched their registration process and got impatient with the time to resolve their error (people wanting to sell something in a hurry don't want roadblocks and get testy). After enough unpleasant events we prohibited new member posting based on post count. Haven't had a problem since and the membership has always supported the rule.

So don't take the rule personally. Understand there were issues with an open classifieds section and we had to put measures in place to stop people abusing the site and admins.

Lastly, if someone reads and doesn't post, they are not an active participant. The word for that is lurker, and it is not meant to be an insult.
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This is actually one of the few rules we have here. It was put in place to deal with issues, from a busier time in the sites history, where people joined and headed straight to the classifieds with no interest in the community. Rather they wanted to sell something and then forget we existed. They were using this community, but moreso these folks were much more likely to cause problems. From spamming/scamming to abusing admins when their posts were deleted for not following rules or they botched their registration process and got impatient with the time to resolve their error (people wanting to sell something in a hurry don't want roadblocks and get testy). After enough unpleasant events we prohibited new member posting based on post count. Haven't had a problem since and the membership has always supported the rule.

So don't take the rule personally. Understand there were issues with an open classifieds section and we had to put measures in place to stop people abusing the site and admins.

Lastly, if someone reads and doesn't post, they are not an active participant. The word for that is lurker, and it is not meant to be an insult.