Reccomended reading?

I always put my name, address and telephone number inside books I am lending out. That way they might find their way home.
I have a couple books of yours Paul. I have a Lem Ward you left here a couple years ago. I was thinking the same direction as Steve and will give you all the books I have on Waterfowl. I never seem to read a book twice and if it loses my interest, maybe not all the way through once. I'll try to remember to stack them up for next time we get together...or when I get Erics drawknife in a box! Jeesh.....why can't I remember shit?
Ah ha! I know someone had it. I loaned it to Vanderweele, but he swore he gave it back to me. Hell, at least you've got an excuse for forgetting, old timer. some times I think I'm loosing my mind!
By the way everyone,

I was not implying that the all books were stolen or otherwise. There are a few that I know who has them, or at least strongly suspect, and I know I will never see them again, but most were loaned out by me and I just forgot who had them. Come to think of it, I better start looking to make sure I don't have someone's stuff that they are looking for!
Now my memory is creeping back a little.....I think I was holding it hostage for a couple of mine that YOU have.

Eric, I don't have a Froe.....froh.....foh.....shingle splitter.

Paul you want those cassetes of the hairlip reading McQuarrie back? I listened to one while carving and found myself finishing his sentences.
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I have another set of them, but if you aren't going to listen to them again, I'll put them in the library. I about forgot about those. LMAO, they are a bit tough to listen to! Seems like I paid a buck for them and I bought something like 10 sets of them. Then after listening to them I found out why they were so cheap...

I have an extra copy of "Wild Fowl Decoys" by Joel Barber & "Waterfowl; Ducks Geese & Swans of the World" by Frank S. Todd that I could donate to the library. If you want them I'll bring them on Saturday after Thanksgiving.

thanks again for the offers and the input. I have a few books coming locally, and I have a list going of what I'm gonna start buying first. So far, I haven't got my list compiled, but I will. Gonna try after some ducks in the morning! Thanks Again!
ducks, geese and swans of north america-francis kortright-stackpole--out of print, but readily available--a great reference
the outlaw gunner-harry walsh-tidewater publishing
tales of the old duck hunters and other drivel-gordon mcquarrie
a book on duck shooting--van campen heilner--penn publishing-likely out of print, but illustrated by lynn bogue hunt!
chesapeake bay decoys-the men who made and used them---henry fleckenstein--good reference--lotsa pics, b&w
duck hunting the atlantic tidewater-Eugene connett--hunt illustrations--good chapter on dekes
ducks, boats, blinds, decoys-raymond camp-knopf publishing