Rehabbing a pair of Helmuth Rich Shelldrake

Steve Sanford

Well-known member

As I mentioned in the Work Bench post, I just brought this pair of Shelldrake back from Long island. Frank Zamp got them at a yard sale and I immediately lay claim to them. Both Frank and Helmuth are from Patchogue (I used to live in East Patchogue) - and about the same vintage - the carvers, not the decoys. I do not know Helmuth well, but recall him and his decoys fondly from earlier SSWA Duckboat Shows.

This pair - the decoys not the carvers - needs some attention to get them once again ready-to-hunt. "Right in my wheelhouse" as the young folks say.....

The Drake's head is turned hard to port. I like everything about this bird.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake FULL.JPG

The shape is simple and lithe and the paint flows sweetly along the contours.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake FULL port.JPG

This shot from the bow shows his body sections. Note, too, the wood grain in what I believe is a molded foam head.

H rich Shelldrake - Drake body sections from bow.JPG

Here's his undercarriage. The lead ballast was gone from both birds.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake bottom.JPG

Another view of the keel.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake underside oblique.JPG

He does not need lots of repairs - but the bill needs some minor rhinoplasty. The contours around the head and neck - one of my favorite parts on any decoy - need their lines re-faired. Some structural reinforcement may be needed as well.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake bill and unfair neck details.JPG

Unlike the Hen, his tail is intact.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake body oblique.JPG

His body shape is perfect - but noticeably slimmer than the Hen's. I will probably reshape the latter, so measurements are in order.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake body width with calipers.JPG

I'm measuring just the "extreme beam"....

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake body width measurement long.JPG

He is about 6.5 inches wide.

H Rich Shelldrake - Drake body width 6.5 B.JPG

Stay tuned for the Missus.....


Part 2 - Introducing the Hen

The head-forward Swimmer posture is perfect for Shelldrake - which seem to always be diving for fish.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen Profile.JPG

Her bottom has suffered quite a bit of erosion to her "black" cork.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen bottom.JPG

Her tail needs total replacement - maybe with heavy plastic this time around.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen tail erosion B.JPG

I'm OK with a plastic tail - for many reasons - but especially because her head seems to be plastic. Note the seam.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen head seam.JPG

Like her husband, Missus Shellpecker needs some rhinoplasty, too. Her fuller sections are evident in this view.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen body sections from bow.JPG

Only measurements will guide me through her weight-loss program.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen body width - calipers.JPG

Sure enough, about 3/4-inch beamier than her husband.

H Rich Shelldrake - Hen body measurement 7.25.JPG

So, off to she shop - with the first stop at the bandsaw. With Spring in full swing, though, plenty of other chores are pulling me - both all around the farm and then up on Champlain later this week. I will report progress as it happens.

All the best,


Good morning, Dave~

Wow! Looks like yours are in much finer fettle than mine. Do you recall where/when you got them? Did you meet Mr. Rich?

It looks like your Hen is beamier than your Drake - just like mine. If so, perhaps I will forego the planned weight reduction program and just stick to repairs.

All the best,


I think these are the first Shell drake decoys i,ve ever seen. Those drakes sure do look like drake mallards coming out of the thick fog on the bayfront until about the second you pull the trigger. Opps!
Steve, I have had these for some years. I honestly can't remember when I got them, but pretty sure they were an eBay find. The hen is noticeably beamier than the drake, just like yours is. I only hunt them at Chincoteague, we rarely see anything but Hooded Mergs along the Potomac. They were not hunted until I got them. They could use a bath, they have some mud on them, and a little wear on the edges, but far from needing touch up yet. They look sweet on the water.
Roy and Dave~

Shelldrake decoys have been made on Long Island for a long time. I suspect they were always made in small numbers as these fish-eaters were never desired table fare.

Verity Shelldrake 5x7  with caption.jpg

I could see hunting my pair of Helmuth Rich 'peckers a bit to leeward of my puddle duck rig when on Great South Bay - just for visual interest - and tradition!

One of the oddest mixed flocks of birds I ever had stool was a foursome on Moriches Bay: 2 hen Shelldrake and 2 drake Gadwall - all 4 with grey bodies, white wing patches and reddish heads. I opted for the 2 drakes....

All the best,


I was able to search back in eBay, I bought this pair, in 2014, for a whopping $65! Quite a steal for a pair of cork birds unhunted.
I really like those birds, they scream merganser to me. Interesting that you would consider trimming that hen down, seems like it is a characteristic that the maker intentionally built in with no downside, just in interesting quirk.
Good morning, Paul~

Yes - I think you scarfed those birds up at the Duckboat Show - moments before I could flash my cash.

All the best,


The hens are very cool, the drake shape is beautiful but not so much the paint job. Remind me to show you when you come down next time, perhaps joint custody can be arranged.

I will likely leave her in her original "zaftig" mode - but the OCD and biologist in me may never be satisfied.

Up here in dairy country, our late seasons bring Commons - where the adult drake is significantly larger than the hen - easily noticeable on the wing. The same is true but to a lesser extent on saltwater where we see Red-breasteds. Of course, hens are generally smaller than drakes in all ducks - but gunning decoys have never bothered with the difference.

As these Helmuth Rich birds are appropriately well-regarded, I will cave to peer pressure and just do needed repairs.

All the best,



I do like the Drake's paint. Although it's not "accurate" - and I will put a Sanford paint job on mine - Helmuth uses a very simple, abstract pattern reminiscent to my eye of Joseph Lincoln.

All the best,


Steve Sanford said:

I do like the Drake's paint. Although it's not "accurate" - and I will put a Sanford paint job on mine - Helmuth uses a very simple, abstract pattern reminiscent to my eye of Joseph Lincoln.

All the best,


I love the paint job on the pair I have from Red years ago, I'll try to post later.