Residents angry over hunters actions

John L

Well-known member
I knew this day would come. I caught alot of crap for my last post a few weeks ago " Does this look legal or more common sense needed. Yes, he is LEGAL, bla, bla, bla... but for crying out loud if someone knows this guy try to talk some sense into him.
Well, he was at it again. Today he decided to hunt next to Sunny's gas dock in Seaford, NY. Where for 25 years that I have known the owner, he keeps fresh water running for the birds to drink and feeds them every morning. Now, I know he is also wrong for feeding them so let's not blame him for the guy wanting to shoot the birds as he feeds them. But guess who was there this morning when the feeding bell rang. That's right our Elmer Fudd from Wantagh Park. For those who don't know the area. It's a narrow creek in a residential / business area with people living in house boats and house barges only yards from where he decided to take shot after shot this morning. He must have peppered some houses because the residents were on there porches and the owner of the gas dock came over to Elmer and told him to move. So move he did about another few yards to the west but still shooting in the same direction of the houses and down the length of the creek. I did not have much time this morning so I packed it in and was back at the ramp early only to find some angry residents yelling that you guys (duck hunters) were shooting at my house this morning. I calmly told them it was not me and if they have a beef with someone it's the guy whos truck has the handicap plates on it with a trailer that has an expired license plate from 1999. I was then told that some of the other neighbors and businesses are getting a petition together to have the town ban hunting within it's limits.
I just want to say thank you Elmer with the aluminum jon boat and camo and I hope the goose that you shot today was worth it because it may be the last goose you ever shoot in the Wantagh / Seaford area. Oh, and buy the way the goose that you crippled and did not even make an attempt to look for, we found on our way back in.
If he's hunting where the lure of baited food is drawing in birds, he's illegal. Call the feds in, and he'll be out of there.
I too saw that guy this am. he was just east of the 3rd Wantagh bridge..?
I think he was also shooting at Brant too, I know when I heard shots,I looked over there and didn't see any geese, just a bunch of stupid Brant.
WHY ARE YOU ALL CONDONING THIS CLOWN'S ACTIONS? Most all seasons, unless you have a resident conservation order or a co for snows, the waterfowl season closed on the last day of january---Call and get this moron arrested, for heaven's sake!!
I don't know if you talked with this guy yet, I would try to point out the problems he's causing or at least call in about what was witnessed. If he is peppering houses they will just start chasing everyone out of the area instead of dealing with the one person or group. It will be the hunters, not the small couple of people causing problems. The best thing will be to report him, so they don't close off the area because of him.

He has been spoken to by the county police and bay constable. The problem is they have to catch him in the act. Meaning they must witness his illegal actions. When I was talking to the owner of the gas dock later this afternoon he said he has had a problem with this guy before and he knows who he is. He has tried talking some sense into him today and the guy started telling him it's his right to hunt there and he is a cop so he knows his rights. I doubt very much the guy is a PO because I don't think he would act that irresponsibly or have an expired plate with a 10 year old registration sticker on the trailer. I guess the good thing is the season closes on Tuesday and hopefully people will forget about him when he is not in their back yard shooting.
I can believe the PO claim. Why else is he getting away with it. Like the local residents wouldn't be willing to show up at a hearing & testify about a jerk peppering their houses?
I know the guy your talking about i hunt down here all the time and my friend my friend i have seen him drop off from 5-10 of his buddies and go out and run birds for them and they all just layout and skybust birds ruining the hunting for everyone else who isnt a moron and tries to have birds come alot closer then the 80 yards that they like.
good thing is the season closes on Tuesday and hopefully people will forget about him when he is not in their back yard shooting.

I think you'd better get all the people who know this clowns MO to report anything illegal now (plates expired; improper use of handicapped sticker; rallying birds; shooting over a "baited" area, etc.etc.) to anyone who has authority to act and to everyone who will listen. Got one of those "Eyewitness News Troubleshooter" types ??(I'm sure NY has a boatload) They love stories about cops abusing their authority (or add impersonating a PO if he isn't).
If there are reputable sportsmen and sporsmen's organizations who can't stomach this guys actions, you'd better not just keep silent and hope he'll go away, especially on the premise that "if we call attention to it, they might shut us ALL down." Approach him and reason with him? Come on... he's doing what hes doing because no one will stop him. You think a "New Yawka" who has a me first attitude (how rare!) will give a rat's?
Show people that ethical hunters deserve being listened to, and that they want to stay within ethical and legal guidelines. If you guys aren't willing to do that, then you'll just have to put up with his antics and accept what comes your way.
don't care what the law is now... if he's peppering peoples businesses and houses, the law will soon be nobody shoots there. How anyone could 'hunt', and I use that term loosely, where they're shot hits someone home or business and expect anything other than arrest (or an azzwhipping) blows my mind. If you can't arrange one, arrange the other. travis