Right and Left

Jeff Reardon

Well-known member

Can't resist--learning to post pictures here.

A friend sent me this image to invite me to a Winslow Homer exhibit down at the Portland Museum of Art. I've always loved this painting, since seeing it on a school art trip in 6th grade. I'm pretty sure it was painted in Scarborough, about 5 miles from where I grew up, and very near a spot I still hunt a couple of times a year. (This would be the open water side, and I don't have the cojones that the hunter in the painting does to hunt out there in a canoe. But the puddlers and geese love the back side salt marsh.)

I'm pretty sure this
picture was painted not far from a spot I like to park my canoe. It's a golf course now, so I can't hunt up in the dunes, but marsh (if I'm right) is just over the top of the dune in the background, and there is a little tidal creek in there where the spartina is just enough to cover me sitting in the canoe at half tide. No decoys needed, as the geese pass right overhead on their way to a pocket in the dunes (now a sand trap, alas) where they can get out of a NW wind.

If I were a cynic, I'd suspect old Winslow hid in the dunes till those two geese landed in the pocket, then ground-sluiced them!
Scottie, good to see you on here again. When I get my boat fixed up, there's a seat in the bow for you if you'll tell me where the ducks hang out on the 'keag.
We should get togeather and check it out, my snow goose is all done and runs fine , need to learn how to post up pictures and say a big thank you to a lot of guys on here that I got Ideas from.
Sounds like a plan. How about you come inland in the early season and we go out on the Kennebec or the bay in the sculler? Later on during second season you can show me Port Clyde and some coastal ducks from the Snow Goose.
I'm glad there have been artists over the years that don't get caught up in detail more then just getting it to feel right. Winslow's paintings definitely have a lot of feeling.


The first time I saw this I was like wtf is up or down with the hen. Then I realized that there are hunters in the background. Took me a little bit to figure it out.

Thanks for posting.
