Roy boat with mud motor?

I currently run a custom sneak box here in FL with a long tail mud motor and enjoy the style of hunting quite a bit! The only downside is my pup is ready to start going with me, and it's just too small for both of us the way I hunt it (laying down). I also no longer have a means of bringing friends after selling the big boat. With the recent posts of the Roy boats, it has me curious... But can they be used effectively with a mud motor? Maybe a surface drive? I don't see why not, but I'm also the least knowledgable when it comes to these boats. Thanks in advance
Note of caution, the best of my recollection, Roy boats do not have any flotation required by the coast guard.
Good question on the mud motor. The Roy boat to my knowledge is vee in the stern. Mud motors are heavy i think the boats like a lighter 2 stroke to get them on plane. I am sure someone on this forum has tried a surface drive, maybe they will chime in.
I've seen one with a surface drive. Always wanted one for myself for those hard to reach piss trickles I'd rather build an aluminum hull fully tig welded similar though
These boats are not meant for those motors. Like said above a lighter two stroke. They are designed after fiberglass bassboat hulls not flat bottom mud boats. Those motors would make them sit way too low in the water. I have a 14 and it needs at least 2 feet of water.
If I need my mud motor, it is because I am going somewhere that an outboard and a fiberglass hull should not go. I really feel mud motors work best on a hull designed for a mud motor. Maybe look at a Phowler sneak boat and a short tail.
My Roy boat drafts a bit more water then I expected, can't really complain but it's not really a mud rig. Your going I spend a pretty penny on the boat too since there getting harder to find when you can just spend your money elsewhere on the right rig.
What is the draw on a Roy boat ? A SouthBay can get into very low water: 3" no problem. Can A Roy boat do the same ?
Really trying to make it into something it's not. Similar to trying to run mud motor on a BBSB. Aluminum, welded jon style boat is the way to go.
Cool, thanks for all the replys.

Not to argue at all with the responses, I just want to point out,I think there's a huge misconception about "mud" motors. I've hunted Florida waterfowl for awhile now... I can count on one hand the times I was in any kind of real mud. The need for a mud motor is the vegetation and eel grass beds that a normal outboard can't operate in. I use a fiberglass sneak boat now with a long tail with no issues. How I wish our habitat was more like the open waters up north.

Thanks for the feedback!