Steve Sutton
Well-known member
If I'm not in Cd. this year I'm hoping to be there....
I'll be the first to jump in, I have a upland buddy who used to live 50mi south of Kansas City on the east side of the Flint Hills(the Flint Hills being the heart of Greater Prairie Chicken country). He'd be able to point you in the right direction for Prairie Chicken, (Wild)Pheasant, and (Wild)Bobwhite Quail. If you stay close to Missouri you can hop over the boarder for a $10 daily Non-res tag and shoot Sora rails and have a chance for a Virginia where Steve hunted many moons ago. I also have a buddy who has in-laws in West Central Kansas(South of WaKeeney) in the Ransom area if that is lesser chicken country???
Tod....I was just having fun. Don't take it too serious man. My Grandma was a HOOG Prairie Home Companion fan and even read Garrison's books and I blew her all manner of shit about it(rest her soul). My Cousin Julie lives on Lake Minnetonka and she loves Garrison and probably drinks spritzers and Peligreno with him and I still make fun of him in front of her. And as far as Acadamia and liberalism goes...well I have one Anthrax CD and Fox News is the msot played TV station in my house per my say so I can honestly say it comes to me naturally. Seriously man, I didn't mean to bug you. And, I listen to NPR in my truck...don't that count fer sumpin' man?
Gregg, I think you're right. I have a HOOG assneck, and I think I'd be damn proud to walk with the other nutsack necks.
or Tevas? I mean, everybody makes them but surely there is some kind of "clout" issue that condones name brands. Of course, I don't give a hoot I wear tennis shoes usually.
I have this pair of 5/10 Tevas that I bought in Boulder 10 years ago. I thought I was the bomb diggidee of sandal wearers though I never stooped to wearing socks with them. I was home one time playing darts with my dad and brother and I got pissed because my dad beat me again and I kicked the floor in frustration. That 5/10 compound made this black stripe on the floor that's still there. Who knew at the time? Any whitewater river in the country has rocks with blacks marks on them from 5/10.
If you need Central(10k acres)and Western Kansas(infinity)connections let me know.
its clear you don't teach English up there in College.....
No Prairie chuckens huh? Well everyone has different goals. Not sure about the "can't shoot a Lesser unless you shoot a Greater first", but I do understand the difference in listing priorities...
We"ll plan on it then, Montana first and then you can roll into Washington. That gives me this seaosn to check out some places on the snake and the Grande Ronde for birds and fishes.....
Timing will be important onthe Mtn. Quail in Oregon because the Ranch and place I'd like to hook you up with there is big on Blacktail hunting, (Mike Guides there), and it won't be available during deer season.....we'll figure that one out though....lots of other options down that way if the Ranch is booked for Deer season...
Maine to Washington to Arizona and home...that'll be a trip to remember for sure....
I hope to see a flock that big in Montana some day. Like you say, those morning and evening pass shoots in that spot of mine is a dramatic scene to behold. Bob Houk got his eveing bird and his morning bird in that same spot. We'll know more next month!
If it was not for the draw, it would be no problem getting Tod a couple of birds there. But, with all things considered, I think Montana is the best all around choice. The great part is that at teh same time he can shoot Sharpies, Huns & doves as well as the Mountain Grouse. BTW I was just looking at a property for sale in Yak, but it was too far west for me. Blues and Ruffs are all around Lewistown in the Snowy's and the Belts.
Most likely Tod will already be west of Montana by the end of September duck opener and Pheasant does not open until the fisrt week of October. The good thing about pheasant opener is that around Miles City it is also Antelope and Turkey opener too. There were several trucks that pulled into our Super 8 in Miles City last year that had Antelope, turkeys and pheasants piled in the back of them.
I gotta tell you a quick story about that saturday evening in Miles City. Rick Ketcham and I are walking down the hallway going to our rooms when I hear some guy behind us say "Rick Ketcham is that you?" We turn around and here is Bill Poole the owner of several long range boats and a Sportsfishing landing in San Diego. Rick and I have known Bill since the early 1960's. We stood in the hallway and shot the breeze for a while. Bill was up for antelope and pheasant hunting. What a small world it is at times.
As for the flavor of SG's, the only thing that could possibly make them taste worse would be to stuff them with GRITS soaked in Condor barf! :^)
Our bird regs should be out anytime now and I'll let you know when our deadline is.