Salty Saturday Morning


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down on Mississippi Sound with what seems to be the rest of the fleet. Glad I woke up early and got the spot I wanted!
36 degrees and light North wind. Perfect conditions for down here.
Stand by, updates to come.
1.5 hours into the hunt and haven’t pulled the trigger. They just don’t seem to be flying
Usually jerky but I’m going to try dry aging, then brining and the cube steak/ fry em. See how it goes.

I’ve got 4 or 5 small groups of buffies feeding a 100 yards out. Nice to watch but I wish they would come closer!
Added a nice drake buffy and got to shoot three times behind another, sure scared the heck out of him. First time in 2’years that Ive hunted there and not shot my 2 redheads. Bummer. Talked to a guy at the dock who was about 2 miles west of me they got into the redheads and scaup pretty good.