scrap plywood project - long line holders and a little quiz

Dave Simon

New member
I had a lot of little scrap 3/8" plywood left over from boat building, so I made some long line holders. These may look a little "fishy", but they work pretty good. Make the tail and the mouth nice deep v's, and you can use the eye hole to secure one end. I just half hitch around the narrow part of the tail. These are good for a few laughs from guys at the dock... and they hold about 100' of tarred marline each. I make the body wide enough to hold in one hand while wrapping the line.


And a nice drake greater scaup/bluebill/broadbill from this morning. I think of that line from "O Brother Where Art Thou?"... "we ain't just one at a timin' here, son, we's mass communicatin'". Well, we've been one at a timin' here lately...


Quiz time: How many documents do you need to produce for the game warden when they really, really check you?

I had three game wardens waiting for me at the boat ramp this morning. I think they were training a new CO. They were nice, but between checking my shooting iron for a plug, magna-testing all the shot in my shell bag and eyeballing the scaup, I was pulling paper from every pocket and getting nervous.

Answer: 11 separate documents.

Boat registration.
Safe boater's certificate. (They didn't ask for that, but I have it, and you are required by our state law to have one.)
Trailer registration.
Driver's license.
Truck registration.
Insurance card.
Hunting license.
State duck stamp.
State HIP certificate.
Federal duck stamp.
Since I'm still waiting for my Hull Identification Number, the HIN application form.

Holy crap! You need an accordian file to hold all the paper! Plus, you probably better have a copy of the state and federal regs in your pocket, a chart, a note on your windshield in case you get stranded.

Oh well, I wuz perfectly legal on all the hunting stuff, just a little late on my truck registration.

Be careful out there! I will be cooling my heels at the Motor Vehicle department this afternoon...
Dave its that way every where, they just love trying to get you for something. We have one extra piece of paper here in Illinois and thats a FOID card. Firearm owners ID, cant even buy shells here without one. You cant even have a gun handed to you in the store to look at with out one. I had the warden walk 400 yds down a logging road and had me come down out of my stand during deer season to check me.
Dave that is a great idea for a line holder. In 48 years of duck hunting, I have been checked three times, all with in the past 15 years. The first time a new Warden in our area who had transferred from a area where there was more duck hunting. All he asked for was license and if the shot gun had a plug. The second and third time by a different warden. He checked license , plug,and every shot shell to see if it was steel. The wardens only concerned themselves with hunting and boating regulations. Sometimes they may be deputized by the local sheriff and could enforce none game law violations. They uaually don't. That been my experiance in Wis.
Nice long line holders. I like the looks of them. I knew a CO who would set up near a boat ramp that was notorious for attracting all kinds of inbred white trash on weekends. These lowlifes would just kind of take over at night and drink and generally raise hell and scare off regular folks that wanted to use the ramp. A couple of COs would watch the crowd until they were good and liquoured up and had started throwing bottles in the river and when they got in their vehicles to leave they would bust them for DUI as well as littering. The local judge was supportive of them arresting these nitwits . Anyway, glad you had all that required paper on ya! Even though I try to be a law abiding guy I still get nervous when the man starts asking for stuff.
It's kind of funny how you know every thing is legal but they will show up and put that doubt in your mine and strike fear in your heart!
now just how did you kill that duck using fish decoys :)

one of the lakes I hunt the game wardens (six of them) check you every time this year I loaded up the boat emptied it out into the truck and put the dog in her box inside the back. they stoped me going out. I think they just wanted to look over that little tunnel hull boat showed him my licesne and stamp ....he made me sign the stamp:( the other young warden checked around the boat looked at the cork decoys.....hey these are hard what are they made of....cork:) then he asked if he could look in my truck .....sure :):) I opened the doors and the dog started letting them know she was there needless to say they said thats ok we don't need to see in there :) my dog doesn't like strangers and deffentaly not anyone close to what she thinks is her area like the truck or boat
I think they were extra thorough because they were training a new guy. They were very polite and professional. I know most of the CO's, and I guess they know me through DU events and habitat work. I know I wouldn't leave the house unless I was totally legal, but there is always that flicker of doubt when you think about all the stuff you're supposed to have.

I got my dog in the truck right quick, he's not too fond of lurkers at the boat ramp... never know what you'll see or find at some of these places.
yep I am always legal when I go out I think they have been training here to becuase its just one or two older wardens the rest are younger the me
I've been checked on the Mississippi many times. I've had them even place a thermometer in the duck's rectum to see how long it has been dead, but it was the Federal warden that retrieved my duck boat when I was stranded on that island for 9 hours and made sure that I was alright physically to drive home alone sooooo they do good things also.
Jim Bosanny (wis boz)
Yes they do Jim. The first warden that checked us asked about a blind down river from us. He wanted to know whose it was. He said it was in the open water. We told him the blind at the beginning of the season was partly covered by vegetation. Well he said it wasn't now. A week later the blind was moved closer to shore. That helped us. The ducks that sometimes would flair because of the blind no longer did so. In the summer time the latest warden checks for reckless boat handling. Over the last 15 years the traffic on the lake has really in increased. If every one used common sense it wouldn't be so bad. The warden has a real nice boat, tunnel hull, 100 horse motor. That would be the cats meow on the Mississippi. Pete
Come to Maine. Not only can the wardens check you for fish& game violations but vehicle boating and any criminal offense as well. They have more power than the State Police. o
Well it would help if you had all the 11 documents that you needed. Its people like you that give us law abiding hunters a bad name. And there's no such thing as scrap plywood.......
Well it would help if you had all the 11 documents that you needed. Its people like you that give us law abiding hunters a bad name. And there's no such thing as scrap plywood.......

everyone... have i missed something. dave stated that he had everything. ct duckngoose, he is not giving us law bidding hunters a bad name...a bad name is someone that, does not have his documentation.. or am i missing something here?????

i carry a copy of the rules, and regs, and size chart in my blind bag, to cover my a$$... and in my truck or suv, i have my grid location, and cell phone number (visible) is case of incident and a time of my departure and return.... or i don't return back at a certain time . wlf, will have to call me or plug in the coordinates to find me.... in case of emergency . or if they want to check me
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I think this is what CT was refering to;

"[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Oh well, I wuz perfectly legal on all the hunting stuff, just a little late on my truck registration.

Be careful out there! I will be cooling my heels at the Motor Vehicle department this afternoon..."

I also believe CT was making light hearted
[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]sarcasm[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica], sometimes that doesn't[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica] translate[/font][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica] well acroos the web.
Yes, I was trying to be sarcastic. Dave and I go way back. He is one of the most law abiding hunters (people) that I know. Sometimes too law abiding.......
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went right over my head... no worries

i thought something was there, but , then again, i missed it...hope i didn't ruffle any feathers..lololol