Dave Simon
New member
I had a lot of little scrap 3/8" plywood left over from boat building, so I made some long line holders. These may look a little "fishy", but they work pretty good. Make the tail and the mouth nice deep v's, and you can use the eye hole to secure one end. I just half hitch around the narrow part of the tail. These are good for a few laughs from guys at the dock... and they hold about 100' of tarred marline each. I make the body wide enough to hold in one hand while wrapping the line.
And a nice drake greater scaup/bluebill/broadbill from this morning. I think of that line from "O Brother Where Art Thou?"... "we ain't just one at a timin' here, son, we's mass communicatin'". Well, we've been one at a timin' here lately...
Quiz time: How many documents do you need to produce for the game warden when they really, really check you?
I had three game wardens waiting for me at the boat ramp this morning. I think they were training a new CO. They were nice, but between checking my shooting iron for a plug, magna-testing all the shot in my shell bag and eyeballing the scaup, I was pulling paper from every pocket and getting nervous.
Answer: 11 separate documents.
Boat registration.
Safe boater's certificate. (They didn't ask for that, but I have it, and you are required by our state law to have one.)
Trailer registration.
Driver's license.
Truck registration.
Insurance card.
Hunting license.
State duck stamp.
State HIP certificate.
Federal duck stamp.
Since I'm still waiting for my Hull Identification Number, the HIN application form.
Holy crap! You need an accordian file to hold all the paper! Plus, you probably better have a copy of the state and federal regs in your pocket, a chart, a note on your windshield in case you get stranded.
Oh well, I wuz perfectly legal on all the hunting stuff, just a little late on my truck registration.
Be careful out there! I will be cooling my heels at the Motor Vehicle department this afternoon...

And a nice drake greater scaup/bluebill/broadbill from this morning. I think of that line from "O Brother Where Art Thou?"... "we ain't just one at a timin' here, son, we's mass communicatin'". Well, we've been one at a timin' here lately...

Quiz time: How many documents do you need to produce for the game warden when they really, really check you?
I had three game wardens waiting for me at the boat ramp this morning. I think they were training a new CO. They were nice, but between checking my shooting iron for a plug, magna-testing all the shot in my shell bag and eyeballing the scaup, I was pulling paper from every pocket and getting nervous.
Answer: 11 separate documents.
Boat registration.
Safe boater's certificate. (They didn't ask for that, but I have it, and you are required by our state law to have one.)
Trailer registration.
Driver's license.
Truck registration.
Insurance card.
Hunting license.
State duck stamp.
State HIP certificate.
Federal duck stamp.
Since I'm still waiting for my Hull Identification Number, the HIN application form.
Holy crap! You need an accordian file to hold all the paper! Plus, you probably better have a copy of the state and federal regs in your pocket, a chart, a note on your windshield in case you get stranded.
Oh well, I wuz perfectly legal on all the hunting stuff, just a little late on my truck registration.
Be careful out there! I will be cooling my heels at the Motor Vehicle department this afternoon...