All the glass is off, the initial sanding is done, and I have one coat of epoxy and some thickened epoxy filler on the top side. Depending on how well the filler coat I put on this afternoon sets up, I may finish with the filler tonight and be on to sanding the topside to prep for the glass tomorrow. One layer of 6 oz on the top, which I think I can get done solo. Then I'll flip the boat and get some help glassing the bottom on the weekend.
Got to get my paint order in to Lou . . . . . .
I've been slowed down because all my duck buddies have reached middle age, and three different people have told me their neck/back/hip is giving them too much trouble to help me move and lift the boat. My long suffering wife helped with the last move, and it only cost me a half day of replacing curtain rods.
Got to get my paint order in to Lou . . . . . .
I've been slowed down because all my duck buddies have reached middle age, and three different people have told me their neck/back/hip is giving them too much trouble to help me move and lift the boat. My long suffering wife helped with the last move, and it only cost me a half day of replacing curtain rods.