I wouldn't get into sculling, the technique is a lot of work and it doesn't work at all.
I lost my main hunting rig this year so all I did was scull. We had insane amounts of broadbill around in the lower reaches of the river (well compared to rare pair we usually see) and then I started sculling into the sound and did very well on skunk heads and oldsquaw. Almost got run over by a ferry too. And the geese, are they dumb or what. I had an unreal time this year in the sea coast.
I want to make a mold of my boat and add a transom following the lines of the boat. Dale C ? made his own west coast style a while back and that was quite the write up. I like my Whitney because it is like a good looking woman, lots of curves and no flat spots. Haha
The perfect production boat is the brant 2x from Lou. If I could get one used I would have no need for another marsh hunting boat.
Used brant 2's, tdb's, and old three rivers (I think that's the name of the tdb molds before they got them) show up here or Craigslist now and again.
If I was going to build a wooden float I would make a Joppa flats rig, they are sweet looking.
Sculling is an addiction and remember, zipper lips!