Sea ducks and seals......

SEEN Seals take a duck and all you have is "I think"....girls like Brittany like the "REAL THING" and not the "poseurs"......

That said I would have thought Nate would have had better taste as well.....must be a New England prediliction towards "Skanks"....

clam strips.....

They're big on those in New England and if McDonald's has Lobster Rolls then you just know they have clams as well....

clam strips.....

They're big on those in New England and if McDonald's has Lobster Rolls then you just know they have clams as well....


Yeah, and you would know. I think you are the only person I know of that has actually eaten a "lobster" roll at McDonalds. Didn't that little episode nearly blow your whole perspective at Lobster Fest one year?

As we like to say in New England.....Minga!

string of Lobster at EVERY MEAL on EVERY DAY of the trip alive.....too far to go to stop for a real one so that "McLobster" while not particularly tasty allowed me to have one for lunch while continuing my drive North in time for THE MAIN EVENT with the real thing in Bar Harbor that evening.....

Now the Clam Strips.......I'll leave those to you and Brittany....

[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]And if that means I'm a skeptic, a Grinch and don't believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and Peter Pan well I can live with that.....
Being a skeptic Is OK
I don't know about Grinches.
I don't believe in the Easter bunny but Peter rabbit, have a picture some place.
I don't believe in Santa any more, did once.
Now there is Peter Pan all Peter's know that there's some thing too that but no pictures just have to take our word for that.
are they the full series of the Grey Seal cahsing down the Eider or is this something different? Anyway you can copy the pic's and post them? Or copy and e-mail them to me and I'll post them here?

Steve if you want to send them....hopefully the NJ bouys wouuldn't be offended in sharing photos....
My two cents worth (or 1.4 US cents)

As far as I am aware digital photographs are strongly frowned upon in a court of law.


An eye witness is the most unreliable type of evidence going ..... this was even referred to by a judge in a recent murder trial in Toronto.

Many cases and convictions are won with only circumstantial evidence.

I see seal
I see ducks
I shoot two ducks
Two ducks with their heads under water and lots of blood
I watch ducks for a couple of minutes to see which way they are drifting and that they don't drift ashore....they are very dead
I look away, I look back

I've watched them eat a lobster.
I've watched them eat a cod fish.
I've watched them eat a flat fish.
I'll accept circumstantial evidence or the alternative is that the duck practiced reincarnation ( I couldn't figure out how to spell `reserrection').
i will give credit to DiverDan, but I don't know if it was even his picture. I think it is from Long Island.


Phillip....I've seen DEAD DUCKs....ducks that had big black X's on BOTH eyes, lying in water so blood stained it was red....I've watched them lay like that for "minutes"....right up to the time when the dog was ready to grab them at which point they have rolled over, given a quick shake, disappeared beneath the surface never to be seen again.....

I'll accept that Seals eat Ducks but I always have to ask...."did you actually see the seal take the duck"....and in most cases the answer is "well no, BUT, I was looking at it one minute then the next time I looked it was gone".....given the toughness of Eiders and Scoters and Cock-a-wee's I'm as prone to accept resurrection as I am seals eating them.....

J.S.....thanks....great picture....we used to talk about making a Seal silhouette for the bow of a scull boat but never did it because we were afraid of the exact thing that picture shows happening....figured the last thing we needed was a Seal hauling out on an already virtually submerged bow....

Paul Gery, from California, was up one year and I got him fired up about a Scoter inner tube hunt in 60 ft or so of water....he was all cranked up to do it till we ran by the place we were going to do it and there were about a half dozen Sea Lion Bulls, little ones that probably wouldn't have broken 1,200#'s, laying on the mussell platform that we would have rigged next to....the thought of a Sea Lion, even a young one, in his lap, was more than he wanted to risk...

Thanks for the picture.....

The damn seals that get me are the ones that come into fresh water just to steal my ducks, must be seals because everybody knows that ducks don't dive to the bottom to hold on to weeds to die. Sneaksy bastards those seals.
Well it's worse down here! I hit a bird down, know it's dead, it lands in some grass, white belly up, I can see it, I step out of the boat and start wading over to get my bird and the dangblasted manatees have taken off with my bird! Gotta be them cuz it's no where to be found...the gators here would only be interested in the dogs so it can't be them...
Well it's worse down here! I hit a bird down, know it's dead, it lands in some grass, white belly up, I can see it, I step out of the boat and start wading over to get my bird and the dangblasted manatees have taken off with my bird! Gotta be them cuz it's no where to be found...the gators here would only be interested in the dogs so it can't be them...

Manatees really are the fat b&$t%?ds of the animal kingdom. All they do is lay around, eat lettuce, and scratch their sides with those short little paddle hands. Disgusting!


They probably are tasty though.

have you ever been kissed by one? An experience I'll never forget...


I can assure you that I have seen seals take crippled waterfowl on the lower Columbia. About 12 or 13 years ago I shot and crippled a western Canada goose. It landed about 200 yards out very much still alive. I paddled my aquapod over to my big boat and started pursuit. When I got about 40 yards from the goose it dove under the water. I waited for it to surface so I could swat it. After about 5 minutes it surfaced in the mouth of a seal. Not wanting to violate the Marine Mammal Protection Act I let him have the bird. If my lab was being harassed by the same seal there would have been a different response. Every time I on the Columbia between Astoria and Bonneville I see seals and they pop up and watch my boat as I cruise by and often lurk outside of the decoy spreads.
I just personally don't think that it happens as often as people that "think" they have seen it "think" it does....

I hunt the saltwater in Puget Sound alot and I can't think of a day when I don't see seals...often inside the decoys....on most days I'll see at least one seal, or sea lion, consume a fish, and act that I consider myself fortunate to see by the way....

Everytime I've ever seen a seal/sea lion take a fish its always been extrememly violent....lot sof thrashing on the surface to kill the fish and then a decent bit of time on the surface as it eats it....and thats one of my "problems" with thinking that "duck theft" happens with any regularity because it would seem to me that if it did we'd see the consumption of the duck and not just see it disappear.....

Certainly the series of photos of the Grey Seal taking the Eider shows that Seal consuming that duck on the surface so why do we only ever hear that "a seal stole my duck" and not a "holy crap a seal took the duck, thrashed that sob into a pulp on the surface and then ate it right in front of us".....(which btw I would think was pretty damn cool to see).....yet I'venever heard anyone say that they saw that...shold I "assume" that Seals know that if they take a duck that its going to piss off the hunter who shot it and so they slink off to eat it out of sight instead of eating it on the spot like they would a fish?

So...I'll say again....I beleive it happens...but not with the regularity that some people think and will also state again that a dead duck on the water and a seal head in the vicinity doesn't mean that it was the seal that took the duck.....

And I'm with you on the dog issue..if I ever thought that a seal/sea lion was messing with, or going to mess with, mine, or someone elses dog, I'd be looking to make sure that it ended the way I wanted it to and not the way the seal wanted it to....
