Season medley...

Pat Gregory

Well-known member
Yesterday was our last day of our Canada Goose season. We had a excellent hunt with friends. The birds worked wonderfully and were plentiful... With this season coming to a close, I reflect on the real blessing in waterfowling, hunting with friends and family. We experienced plenty of it this season. Here are some of my fond memories of our Creator's blessings...

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great pics Pat. Thanks for posting. Hopefully you be back to carving because I have some birds that I want from you...I'll have to look over some of your posts to remember which one that I wanted.
Pat, duck hunting is definetly about the good times with friends and family for me.

The difference between your pics and my pics are that you have a good number of birds in hand, hahaha.

I love looking back at a picture and remembering a specific hunt
Thanks for posting those pictures Pat. I really enjoyed seeing your outings given that mine were so limited this year. It looks like you had a great season.

I am already counting the days to next fall. I have two trips planned with friends... Saskatchewan and Southern Ontario.
Pat, Them is some shady looking characters in those photos. You are going to have to come west next year to redeem yourself and maybe clear up your record. Nice remembrance of the season.
Great times, Pat! You are so right, it is about the people and the good times we have together. I can't wait until the St. Charles Decoy Show to re-hash those good times and talk decoys. God bless.
Thanks for sharing Pat. I will miss the IL River, although only there for 2 years it is a neat place to hunt and enjoy the history.
Brad - I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel more like a parole officer than a waterfowler...

The westward migration will happen...
Pat: Thanks so much for your medley. It carries us through to the next year, and as you so correctly point out, it is about experiences and friends.
Be well.