Season's End for Jarhead - Traveling Decoy

Grant W.

Jarhead arrived just after I had left for a hunt with some guys from out of town, so we only made it out this past Saturday which would be my last duck hunt of the season. We headed for Arizona Friday night, through continuous rain, 170 miles + to be exact! Saturday was no different, rain, and lots of it. Which for AZ, any rain is alot.

Pictures were taken when the weather allowed.

The puddle ducks didn't move much with the rain, but the divers didn't seem to care much and presented themselves over the line.

My final birds of the season.....with some bling no-less.

Jar head with the working clan. Zero plastic here....ha!

This will probably be the last season Aspen will be able to hunt, she'll be 14 in September!

It was a short hunt for being the closer , but will definitely be remembered!


That shot of the decoys with Jarhead on top is great. And duck hunting in Arizona? That doesn't sound right to a Michigander....
Nice pics Grant! Hope you had a good time entertaining Jarhead. Congrats on the band! One of these days I'll come out and cause you some grief!
Enjoyed those pictures. Congrats on the successful hunt and the band. I liked that shot of your pup. You sure were lucky to get 14 years of retrieving out of her.
Nice pics/story. did you get the band info back yet on that Redhead. Pretty special to be getting a banded diver. Over the traveling decoy no less.

Your other decoys look pretty good as well.

have any pics of those?
Thanks guys!

David - Consider yourself lucky, to not have to try and duck hunt in AZ.....

Mike - PM me your phone number, the one I have doesn't work, I think I'm missing a few dozen digits.

Modin - We all can't be super models like yourself!ha

Al - These people don't know how good they got it do they, I mean duck hunting where there's actually water and ducks..... :)

Eric - No info on the band yet.

Terry - Sweet bird dude, who rigged it with the LL clip? That mono leader works slick!
