Second Guessing......


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Well, second-guessed myself this morning and paid the price.
Started out backing the boat in without the plug. Had to put it back on the trailer & drain it. Not a good sign.
I was heading to a spot that normally holds greater scaup and redheads.
But it was a lot choppier than I expected so I headed a short distance from there to a spot that is a little easier to get too. This second spot looked good too, lots of seagrass & water depth was right.
Well, 8:00 rolls around and all I've seen is a few hen buffies. Its cold & windy so we pack it in.
Make the quick 1/2 mile run to the other spot and dont you know it: theres about a 100 scaup and redheads plus some drake buffies hanging out there. Dang it, shouldnt have second guessed myself....
Cant tell you how many times ive but my boat in without the plug and had to put it back on the trailer to drain it. Never a good way to start the morning, hope your luck gets better.
I thought that was duck hunting....I know it happens to me and I have a feeling it happens to all of us at one time or another, eevn in tagret enriched environments - at least the day before....