Send some positive thought/prays up for my dad please

rob paetzold

Active member
Hey guys I need some help. My dad is having some health issues. He’s a good man. He is the rock of my family. He is going in for more testing tomorrow-and I will leave it at that. If you have the time send up some prays for him
My sincerest thanks
I will say a pray for your dad and your family. Hope all goes well for him.


Brian F.

I'll send some prayers his way. Give him my best, hope all goes well with the tests and you have good news!

Jim S
"May the Lord Jesus Christ be with your father and the doctors today and find that the prayers of this community have been heard by the almighty and find nothing wrong with your dad, may the Holy Spirit comfort all of you during this trying time."
My own Dad is having to go through radioactive iodine treatment soon. If it's sucsessfull, He'll be around a few more years. He's lost alot of weight, and tires way too easily. Keep a close eye on your mom too, as hard as this is on us, it's even harder on the wife. I hope to God things go well for your Dad too.
Rob, Our church remembered your father at Morning Prayers. Have also requested the same at all Sunday services.

Matt, if the iodine has to do with hyperthyroidism, it works very well and is well understood. Doesn't stop it from scaring you. Treated for it 21 years ago, served four years on active duty after treatment. Will remember your dad also.

Best to all, R.Bell
First I would like to say thank you - Well things are not great for my dad but I am hopeful and he seems to be in pretty good spirts. The scans showed a 1/2 x 1/4 mass in his lower esophagus. He’s going back on tuesday for biopsy results and I assume he will also discuss treatment options. We lost my mom a yeas and a half ago on march 31 to cancer which also was my dads birthday